After Transmigration, Her Whole Family Are Villains - C.177: The Villainā€™s Longevity Noodles

After Transmigration, Her Whole Family Are Villains

C.177: The Villainā€™s Longevity Noodles

After bidding farewell to the other guests, Gong Qichi stayed behind.

Zi Wenxin also shamelessly lingered.

Though he didn't particularly like it, it didn't hurt to hang around a bit longer, maybe snag an extra late-night snack and breakfast while he was at it.

Sure enough, just as he expected, the Jiang family had prepared a midnight feast.

They even had their own private kitchen.

If the food from the main kitchen was already so delicious, the private kitchen must be even better.

Before, he had suspected the Jiang family had some special methods, even keeping the servants during the New Year instead of letting them go home. They even sent a willow branch to their godfather, symbolizing their wish to stay.

Most likely, it was because of the food.

Though it could also be because of the pretty young ladies.

Possibly both.

As for Gong Qichi, well, a mountain boar doesn't appreciate fine fodder. He probably just genuinely liked his Brother Jiang.

Anyway, Zi Wenxin brazenly stayed the night, openly mooching off the late supper.

The midnight snack was simple - homemade noodles for the family.

Mother's specialty.

Today was Feng'er's birthday.

Qin Luoxia personally kneaded the dough and made a bowl of long noodles for Feng'er.

Jiang Mianmian, ever the attention-seeker, insisted on carrying the noodles.

By carrying the noodles, she could pretend she had a hand in making them too.

She secretly added some Magic Spring Water.

Wishing her elder brother a happy birthday and a long life.

The birthday song they sang was a bit off. Indeed, such things required professionals. It wasn't something just anyone could do well just by dressing up for it. One had to play to their own strengths. She only knew a bit more than others, but clearly didn't have a natural talent for this.

But it didn't matter. As long as one lived long enough, there would be infinite chances to learn from mistakes.

Jiang Feng watched nervously as his sister wobbled towards him with the bowl of noodles, worried it might spill before reaching him.

He only relaxed when the noodles were safely placed on the table in front of him.

Everyone else also received a bowl of noodle soup.

Zi Wenxin had expected something special for the late-night snack.

Dinner had been full of unfamiliar delicacies, so he was surprised to find the midnight snack so homely - just a bowl of noodles.

The late-night gathering was just for family.

Zi Wenxin stayed behind shamelessly, acting as if he naturally belonged there, very sincere and natural.

He finally met the legendary Madam Meng, said to be as beautiful as Daji.

Unexpectedly, she looked just like a round-faced young girl, not even like a married woman, more like an unmarried maiden.

Her eyes revealed a kind of clear... stupidity??

In terms of looks, she was probably the least striking in the entire Jiang family.

Just a pretty young girl, certainly not devastatingly beautiful. She resembled Madam Qin more, with delicate features upon closer inspection, and somewhat resembled Commander Jiang, but her round face neutralized any stunning effect, leaving her just an ordinarily pretty young girl.

Rumors really couldn't be trusted.

They had all thought Commander Jiang had climbed the ranks in the capital through his daughter's otherworldly beauty.

But this was it.

Her looks were at the bottom of the Jiang family.

Even Jiang Feng was somewhat better looking than his sister.

Of course, Zi Wenxin didn't stare, just glanced once, after all, her husband was right there.

Learning that she had hosted the banquet and much of it was her handiwork, he thought that her culinary skills alone could keep a man.

Damn it.

That useless Third, after attending their wedding, had gotten drunk and told them he regretted not proposing earlier.

At the time, he had comforted him, saying there were plenty of beauties, and once their godfather took the capital, he could marry a noble lady from there.

Useless, useless. If he had spoken up earlier, this woman would be in their family now, and future freeloading would be so much easier.

Tomorrow, Zi Wenxin would go kick the Third.

Gong Qichi didn't think much. He just liked these noodles.

He ate noisily, his beard getting wet.

He wiped it and said, "Sister-in-law's noodles are still the best, nice and hot."

In the time Zi Wenxin had been lost in thought, Gong Qichi had already finished a bowl of noodles.

The birthday boy was also bent over his bowl, finishing it including all the soup, leaving nothing but an empty bowl that seemed to still emanate fragrance.

Zi Wenxin hurriedly started eating.

To be honest, the noodles weren't as amazing as the earlier banquet, but as he ate, his forehead began to sweat and his eyes stung a little.

He missed his mother.

When he was little, his mother must have made him noodles just like this.

His nose stung too.

He was an orphan, both parents deceased. When his godfather took him in, he was already old enough to remember.

He remembered who his parents were.

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Because life afterward had been smooth, he rarely thought about the past anymore.

But this unremarkable bowl of noodle soup, for some reason, made him eat with such bittersweet feelings.


Jiang Mianmian slurped her little noodles.

Her bowl had more soup and fewer noodles, just a few strands that were gone after a few slurps.

Jiang Feng finished his bowl of longevity noodles, feeling as if he really would live a long life. The past few days of excessive training had left his body occasionally sore and achy.

But after eating this bowl of longevity noodles, he felt the soreness disappear.

Strong and vigorous, he felt he could go practice sword eight hundred more times right now.

So he called his brother-in-law Shaoxia to practice sword with him.

Meng Shaoxia: ...

Late at night, instead of going to bed, you want to practice sword with me?

How weird.

He needed to write to his mother, ask if there were any suitable candidates to introduce to his brother-in-law. This was too exhausting.

Although he felt his swordsmanship had improved by leaps and bounds lately, he should be able to surpass and defeat his own father now.

Jiang Feng invited him to practice sword.

Zi Wenxin also joined.

Young men, strong and full of energy, going back and forth, exhilarating.

Although Gong Qichi was very tired, he still grabbed Brother Jiang, looking as if he wanted to talk into the night.

Qin Luoxia quietly handed her little daughter to her husband.

Jiang Mianmian nestled in her father's arms.

She adjusted to a comfortable position to listen to their conversation.

First, she heard Uncle Gong describe the customs of the Provincial Capital.

Then she heard Uncle Gong praise her musical troupe.

"The singing tonight was quite good. Uh, Brother Jiang, I have a small request, if I may."

Jiang Changtian said, "We're not just friends, we're like brothers. We're brothers from different parents. Brother Yehang, whatever you need, just ask. Don't be polite."

Jiang Mianmian: ... Father sure knows how to sweet talk.

"General Zi mentioned a few days ago that he dreamed of his late wife and has been troubled. I saw your troupe was quite good today. Could I borrow them for a few days? General Zi probably wants to hold a memorial service, and he doesn't really like those big monks. Your troupe is pretty good."

"Well..." Jiang Changtian poked the little girl in his arms, somewhat at a loss for words.

"The household performers are my daughter's playthings, and she carefully arranged the songs too."

Gong Qichi looked at the little girl in Jiang Changtian's arms in surprise.

Jiang Mianmian: ...

A memorial service??

She oddly felt that her song and dance troupe had filled a gap in the funeral industry.

"Alright, Uncle Gong, you'll need to provide new lyrics for them to sing," she said.

Gong Qichi slapped his knee.

"Great, Uncle will send you a big gift as thanks later. What would you like?"

Jiang Mianmian thought very seriously for a moment. "Send me a mountain, the kind with a river. When it gets hot next year, Mianmian wants to go to the mountains to escape the heat."

Jiang Changtian laughed heartily.

He liked how his daughter spoke her mind without reservation.

Daring to ask - his daughter Jiang Changtian's daughter should dare to dream and dare to ask.

Gong Qichi nodded, "Done. Tomorrow Uncle Gong will bring you the deed. There's a perfect mountain south of Jingzhou, with good water flow. There's even an estate on the mountain. You can fix it up and just leave a guest room for your Uncle Gong."

Jiang Mianmian nodded happily.

If she had a tail, it would be wagging.

She jumped down from her father's arms and very seriously poured Uncle Gong a cup of tea, carrying it to him with a slight wobble.

"Thank you, Uncle," Jiang Mianmian smiled.

Jiang Mianmian added a tiny drop of Magic Spring Water to Uncle Gong's tea, about half a drop.

Because Uncle Gong hadn't drunk it before, and she didn't want him to have diarrhea at home.

But this Uncle Gong was really aging fast.

Visibly old.

It was said that ancient people had very short lifespans, with fifty considered longevity.

And Father rarely had such a good friend he could talk to.

In a few years, Father would look like his son.

She prayed Uncle Gong wouldn't die.

Gong Qichi took the tea and drank a sip, smiling, "Our Mianmian's tea is especially sweet."

Jiang Mianmian smiled, "My father says the same thing. I'm his little sweetheart."

Gong Qichi laughed heartily.

He felt relaxed all over.

Every time he was at Brother Jiang's house, it felt like coming home, a rare feeling of comfort and security.

The two continued chatting.

Gong Qichi was clearly becoming more energetic.

Jiang Mianmian nestled in her father's arms, drowsy and sleepy.

"Brother Yehang, today is my son's birthday. I noticed Lord Yu didn't seem too happy."

Jiang Mianmian's drowsy ears perked up suddenly.

Lord Yu? Which Lord Yu? Was it the husband of that Madam Yu who had dined with them?

After Madam Yu left, she had overheard Madam He telling her mother about Madam Yu's miserable situation at home. Madam He said that Lord Yu had taken a noble concubine, and Madam Yu, despite being the official wife, was treated like a mere maid in her own home. She was relegated to the side quarters and couldn't even educate her own children, as Lord Yu believed the noble concubine was better suited to raise his offspring.

"Since becoming the Judicial Commissioner, Yu has been using his authority to arrest many of our people. He's become a sword for the government, cutting us down most fiercely. Changtian, you have a kind heart, so you must be cautious," Gong Qichi warned.

Jiang Mianmian pondered for a moment. The Judicial Commissioner seemed to be equivalent to a police chief, responsible for maintaining law and order.

He wielded significant power.

Because her father had become a Commander, she had curiously asked her Grandma about official titles.

Grandma had briefly explained it to her, and she learned that the Judicial Commissioner was in charge of criminal justice matters.

Her father managed military affairs, but now that they had surrendered and there were no wars to fight, he didn't have much actual authority. The Judicial Commissioner, on the other hand, held real power in the Provincial Capital.

"Why not send someone to kill him?" Jiang Changtian asked.

Gong Qichi shook his head. "This man was already famous for his combat skills before. After surrendering, he became the Judicial Commissioner, but he greatly enjoys his position and fears death. He brings dozens of guards with him even when visiting you, making it extremely difficult to assassinate him."

Jiang Changtian nodded.

He gently rocked the child in his arms, observing her steady breathing and curled eyelashes. He spoke softly:

"Then he can only die by accident."

