After Transmigration, Her Whole Family Are Villains - C.180: Stewed Swan


Today, the parents are not at home.

The elder brother and brother-in-law have also gone out.

Only Grandma, Elder Sister, and Mianmian are here.

Theoretically, Elder Sister is now the most senior member of the family at home.

But now Grandma is here.

Originally, Jiang Mianmian could have taken Fatty to tease the girls and boys from her dance troupe.

But now the dance troupe has been sent away too.

Today is a bit boring.

Because the masters are not here, Aunt Yin is worried about the older and younger ones causing trouble, so she keeps them by her side.

Jiang Mianmian remembers seeing Uncle Gong very happy in his new clothes and shoes earlier, and curiously asks, "Grandma, does the family have to prepare clothes for all guests? Can they manage that? The sizes would be different too, right?"

"When doing things, there are three types. One is where you do it, and it's the same as what others do, more or less. This is basically thankless work - you put in the effort but don't get any reward. It's like you prepare clothes, others prepare them too, and when the person puts them on, they don't feel anything special."

Seeing the little girl listening attentively, and the older girl seeming to listen too, she continues, "Then there's the type where you don't do it at all. You don't prepare any clothes, and then you're in a fix if the guest's clothes get dirty. You have nothing to offer them, and it looks like you're not a good host."

"The third type is where you do it, but more thoughtfully than others. You prepare clothes that are clearly in a style suited to them, in their size. When they put them on, they'll think that you really value them, that you treat them differently. That's when you can say you've really completed the task."

Jiang Mianmian nods.

Jiang Yu nods along and asks, "What's the use of this? Isn't it just clothes that fit a bit better? And preparing different sizes that others can't wear seems wasteful."

Grandma takes a deep breath, looking at the older girl's obtuseness, feeling at a loss for words.

Is it really about this little thing? How many times a year does Master Gong come to stay at your house? Preparing ten or eight sets wouldn't be too many. And this little Mianmian, she's just gotten a mountain villa from him, which could provide clothes for a lifetime, more than they could wear even if buried with them.

Of course, you can't teach children like this, it would be too utilitarian.

"Treat people with sincerity, and sincerity can move even metal and stone. Although these are small details, they will be of great use in the future. People's hearts begin to change from these little details. This is how people get along, bit by bit. Even if there are great favors, you can't take them for granted. It's the same with you and Meng Young General."

Jiang Yu's face turns red. She was just being lectured, and now it's about her again. She and Brother Meng are doing fine.

Aunt Yin sees the older girl's face turn red and is speechless.

What is she thinking about?

Never mind, let's just teach the younger one.

The older one is hopeless. Just hope that the master and young master Feng will shape up, otherwise with the older miss like this, there's no hope. Especially with those strange rumors outside, she's not up to par. In the future, when she goes out, she must be repeatedly instructed to just not speak at all.

As they were talking,

Someone came to deliver something from outside.

Mr. Gong sent over the land deed and house deed, and also two swans.

The swans are white and large, with long necks, looking very proud and beautiful.

Red beaks, black eyebrows, black webbed feet, plump.

"The deeds have been transferred to Miss Jiang's name," the young servant said cleverly.

"The swans are ingredients that Master Gong specially caught and sent for Madam Meng. Please accept them, Madam Meng."

Indeed, when Jiang Yu heard about the land deed and house deed, she thought Mr. Gong was quite generous, but wasn't very excited. However, when she heard that these two swans were specially for her as ingredients, she suddenly felt that Uncle Gong was a good person.

Aunt Yin used this as another example to teach: "Both are gifts. Master Gong gave Mianmian the mountain villa because she likes it, and he gave you swans because you like them. He's touched your heart. Although the swans are not as valuable as the mountain villa, they still make you happy, right? This is thoughtfulness, putting in effort, knowing your preferences, and catering to what you like."

Jiang Yu pondered for a moment, and indeed, it was very true.

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Jiang Mianmian held the land deed and house deed, looking at the characters of her name on them, feeling happy. The more the better.

"Let's go cook the swans," Jiang Yu said, holding the two swans triumphantly.

"Let's go, iron pot stew," Jiang Mianmian said, taking small steps, clutching the deeds, and drooling as she followed her Elder Sister. She had never eaten swan before.

