Deep Sea Embers - C.695: An Unprecedented Situation

Deep Sea Embers

C.695: An Unprecedented Situation

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation.

As the bell chimed across the ship, Vanna had just completed her evening prayers on the open deck. These moments of prayer brought a peaceful break from her typically turbulent life at sea. As she walked back to her cabin through the ship’s dim, narrow corridors, she encountered Morris, who hurried along with a look of urgency.

Noticing the deep worry etched on Morris’s usually composed face, Vanna could tell something was amiss.

“Morris, did you hear the Swift Bell too?” she inquired, her voice tinged with curiosity and concern.

“Yes,” Morris replied, his tone grave. “It rang three times. I was about to begin the Psychic Resonance Ceremony when it sounded.”

Vanna’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “But isn’t it still the Storm Church’s designated time? How could you, a member of a different church, hear the bell?”

Morris sighed deeply, his expression one of confusion and worry. “I don’t know. That’s exactly why we need to attend the assembly. Something unusual must be happening.”

With Morris’s serious demeanor, Vanna reflected on the recent strange occurrences on the ship. She nodded silently in agreement, and they parted ways to their respective rooms.

Back in her room, the sound of waves gently lapping against the ship calmed her. It felt as if the ocean itself was holding her. She began her own ritual, lighting a candle and watching the flame cast long, flickering shadows. The familiar sound of the sea quieted her restless thoughts.

Suddenly, she felt dizzy—a sign that her senses were aligning for the journey ahead. When she opened her eyes, she found herself in her soul projection form, standing amidst the ancient and revered assembly grounds. The area was surrounded by tall, solemn stone pillars at the edge of a vast square, the atmosphere thick with a mix of dark and flickering light. The ground was covered with old, weathered stone tiles, worn by countless souls over time.

Vanna scanned the square, seeing soul projections from various saints all converging on this sacred site. Positioned at the square’s edge, she marveled at the large number of projections gathered—a scene unlike any she had witnessed before. Members from all four churches were present.

This gathering transcended the designated time of the Storm Church; saints from all churches had come together in response to the Swift Bell, adhering to the ancient mandate of the four divine churches.

Around her, the projections of other saints buzzed with conversations ranging from confused to alarmed as they discussed the unusual gathering. Vanna moved through the crowd, listening in as she made her way to the center of the square.

Suddenly, a familiar but slightly blurred figure approached her. “Vanna! I’ve been looking for you,” the figure called out, their voice a blend of relief and confusion. “Do you know what’s happening here?”

As Vanna surveyed the ethereal assembly, she spotted Bishop Valentine’s soul projection. She turned to him and nodded respectfully. “I don’t have all the answers,” she admitted, her voice reflecting her uncertainty. “But it appears that saints from all four major churches have been summoned by the bell. Mr. Morris is probably here with us on the assembly ground as well.”

Bishop Valentine’s expression grew serious as he contemplated the current situation. “The Swift Bell, which normally rings from the Ark, is calling from the direction of the Nameless King’s Tomb this time. It’s a powerful, sweeping signal that has brought all the saints from various churches together, indicating something significant,” he explained, his voice heavy with concern. “This ancient covenant ceremony has operated without fail for thousands of years. An event like this is truly unprecedented.”

Vanna, speaking softly yet thoughtfully, suggested, “This might be connected to the recent ‘Sun Extinguishment’ event. It seems a major change is approaching.” Her words hung in the air, laden with meaning.

Then, her gaze shifted upward. A familiar, ghostly figure appeared—it was Morris.

Vanna walked toward him, but Morris spoke before she could reach him. “It seems I’m not the only one who heard the bell in an unexpected manner.”

Vanna responded, her voice tinged with both relief and complexity, “Indeed, all the saints are here now. Fortunately, there’s enough room for us,” she observed, looking towards the still vacant center of the square. “The ‘Tomb’ hasn’t revealed itself yet. I’m eager to hear what it will declare.”

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation

Morris, looking solemn, simply nodded. He briefly greeted Bishop Valentine, whom he hadn’t seen in a while, then stood beside Vanna, watching the center of the square intently.

At that moment, the atmosphere changed as four distinct figures appeared, drawing the attention of all the saints.

Helena, Lune, Banster, and Frem—the representatives of the four gods—entered the assembly area. Their clear, distinct soul projections stood out sharply against the more indistinct forms around them.

Their arrival briefly stirred the crowd, but soon quieted down. The presence of these spiritual leaders brought order and calm, reassuring the saints that despite the unusual circumstances, everything was under control.

Vanna’s attention returned to the four Popes as they approached her, each adorned with symbols of their respective gods. A flurry of emotions crossed her face.

Helena stepped forward and asked Vanna, “Has the tomb not appeared yet?”

Caught off guard, Vanna hesitated, “Uh… no, it hasn’t appeared yet.”

“Good,” Helena nodded. “Then we’ll wait a bit longer.”

Still trying to make sense of everything, Vanna nodded, puzzled, “…Um, okay.”

After this exchange, the four Popes stood with Vanna, composed and dignified, waiting for the ancient and mysterious tomb to emerge.

Standing there, Vanna felt uneasy. She noticed Mr. Morris giving her a puzzled look. Struggling to express her feelings, she managed a strained smile, wondering if Morris could sense her mixed emotions through her ghostly form.

Suddenly, a tall figure quietly approached Vanna and tapped her shoulder, asking casually, “Will it take long to wait?”

Without turning, Vanna answered casually, “Not sure, but usually, the tomb appears a few minutes after all the saints have gathered…” Her voice trailed off as a silence enveloped the area.

Banster and Frem momentarily stiffened, while Helena and Lune turned their heads with deliberate slowness. Vanna herself turned slowly to see who had spoken—there stood Duncan, looking relaxed and slightly amused by the attention he was drawing.

After a brief, stunned silence, Vanna exclaimed in surprise, breaking the quiet, “Captain?! Why are you here?!”

Her shout rippled through the assembly like a stone thrown into a pond. The brief silence quickly turned into a flurry of surprised shouts, lively discussions, and numerous soul projections recoiling in shock. The atmosphere became thick with tension, alertness, and disbelief.

This was a scenario no one had expected.

With a resigned look, Duncan glanced back at the now bustling square and shrugged. “Honestly, I didn’t expect to find so many people here,” he said, clearly surprised by the size of the gathering.

Overwhelmed, Vanna noticed that the Popes quickly took control, issuing a firm call for silence.

Their commanding voices sent a wave of energy through the crowd—Helena, Lune, Banster, and Frem’s combined wills permeated the assembly. Duncan, caught off guard by their reaction, felt the immediate shift as the chaotic murmurs stopped abruptly and order was swiftly restored.

With calm restored, Helena faced Duncan directly, her expression serious. “How did you get here?” she demanded, seeking an explanation for his unexpected appearance.

Duncan thought for a moment, then casually waved his hand beside him. A spectral figure appeared—a skeletal giant bird wrapped in eerie green flames, flickering ominously in the darkness.

“I came by dove travel,” Duncan stated casually.

Helena, startled by the unusual and somewhat bizarre explanation, could only respond with a puzzled, “…?”

Duncan looked around at the stunned faces of the Popes. “I heard the bells,” he started to explain. After a brief pause, he continued, “I can’t provide exact details, but when the bells rang, their sound reached me. Then, I sensed a gathering of spirits. The presence of the four Arks in Wind Harbor probably intensified this ‘convergence’, making it as clear to me as lights in the night sky… I’ve always been curious about your gatherings. So, I tried to trace Vanna’s soul starlight, and here I am.”

Helena, clearly taken aback by this revelation, stammered, “…That works?!”

Duncan considered her question, as if evaluating the plausibility of his own explanation, then nodded affirmatively. “I think it works,” he concluded.

Helena was left in bewildered silence, her expression one of sheer astonishment.

Vanna, more accustomed to unusual events (perhaps due to her experiences as a sports student), took Duncan’s explanation in stride. Hearing Duncan’s casual confirmation, she smoothly shifted the conversation, asking, “Do you have any thoughts about today’s unusual situation?”

Duncan responded candidly, “I don’t know. This is my first time here. What usually happens at these gatherings? Is there a specific procedure?”

Frem, speaking with a deep, calm voice, answered, “We wait for the emergence of Vision 004 – The Nameless King’s Tomb. Then, a tomb keeper appears, and the chosen one is guided to the tomb chamber.”

Duncan listened attentively, his interest evident, and nodded slowly in understanding.

Just as Frem finished explaining, a deep, resonant rumble suddenly filled the center of the square. The profound sound caught everyone’s attention, abruptly ending their conversations. The long-awaited moment had arrived—the emergence of the Nameless King’s Tomb was imminent.

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation.

