Deep Sea Embers - C.724: Reforging

Deep Sea Embers

C.724: Reforging

When Shirley heard that particular phrase, it resonated deeply within her, awakening long-buried memories. It was as if these words had unlocked a hidden door in her mind, unleashing a torrent of recollections that flowed like waves in an ocean of forgotten moments. These memories, rich with emotional warmth and painted in hues that had since lost their vibrancy, danced through her consciousness. They were like scenes from a dream, distant and blurred, playing out in the theater of her mind. Lost in this reverie, it took her a significant amount of time to gather herself, her attention eventually drawn to the presence of a large, mysterious hound standing a short distance away.

With an aura of waiting, the dark hound exuded a blend of hesitation and nervousness, tinged with a slight confusion. It was as if his mind was enveloped in a dense, sticky fog, clouding his thoughts. His memories were a jumbled mess, at times crystal clear, at others, frustratingly obscured. He felt a peculiar void in his heart, an unexplainable emptiness that puzzled him.

In the dim light that faintly illuminated his eyes, Dog stared at Shirley’s skeletal yet vaguely familiar figure, a wave of dizziness sweeping over him. He couldn’t recall ever meeting her, yet there was an undeniable recognition, a connection rooted in a past long gone.

He was perplexed, wondering how the little girl from his distant memories had transformed so drastically.

After a moment of hesitation, Dog cautiously approached Shirley. He sniffed the air, then skillfully maneuvered around what appeared to be long, barbed limbs, drawing nearer to her.

Shirley watched the big, enigmatic hound in silence. After a few minutes, she rose and tenderly placed her hand on Dog’s head, asking softly, “Why have you become so strange too?”

Dog cocked his head, seemingly trying to communicate something, but before he could, Shirley suddenly embraced him, pulling his head close to her chest.

In a whisper laden with a barely concealed fear, she said, “
I thought I had lost you forever
 You just collapsed, and I couldn’t catch you

Dog’s mind was a maelstrom of slow, fragmented thoughts, struggling to form into coherence. But amidst this confusion, he heard something – a steady, familiar heartbeat.

He pressed closer to Shirley, feeling the heartbeats even through his entangled bones. This rhythm seemed to dispel the fog clouding his mind, rousing him from a prolonged, bewildering slumber. As each heartbeat echoed, memories surged back, illuminating his mind. His eyes regained their sparkle, and he began to squirm slightly, murmuring, “Shirley, I
 back then

But Shirley held him even tighter, whispering with understanding, “I know, Dog
 I know everything.”

The light in Dog’s eyes wavered. He ceased his struggle, his voice tinged with hesitation, “When
 did you know?”

Shirley answered softly, “When I first realized that the shadow demons lack hearts.”

In Shirley’s embrace, Dog fell silent, contemplative. After a pause, he whispered, “I’m sorry

“Everything’s going to be okay,” Shirley said with a comforting certainty, gently loosening her embrace around Dog’s neck just a little. She peered deeply into the eyes of the demonic hound who had been by her side for twelve years. Growing up under its vigilant protection, she now looked at him with a mixture of affection and determination, reassuringly nodding as she affirmed, “It’s okay—you’ve always been there for me.”

Dog responded with a slow nod, a wave of relief momentarily washing over him. However, this sense of peace was fleeting as his mind soon became shrouded in confusion once again.

He was assailed by familiar difficulties – his thoughts were sluggish and his memories fragmented, like puzzle pieces scattered in a mist.

“My head
 it feels so heavy and foggy
” Dog murmured, his voice betraying the discomfort he felt. ƒreewebÉł

Shirley quickly pieced things together, her gaze falling to her chest where, unusually, two hearts pulsed within her ribcage. Her expression morphed from realization to concern as she realized, “
but it seems I can’t remove them anymore

As she spoke, her fingers delicately traced the intricate lattice of bone armor that encased her chest as if attempting to unlock this solid ‘bone cage’ that trapped her.

“Don’t even try,” Dog warned with urgency, “You could die!”

Shirley ceased her efforts, looking at Dog with a mix of fear and uncertainty, “Then
 what should we do?”

Dog didn’t answer immediately, his gaze lingering on Shirley’s right hand where a broken chain dangled, its end emitting a faint, eerie green flame.

Shirley noticed his focused attention and began to ponder aloud, her voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and concern.

Should we try to fix this?” she asked, holding up the broken chain, her tone tentative as if exploring a new possibility, “Would that help?”

Dog seemed hesitant, his voice laced with uncertainty, “Theoretically, yes. Our symbiotic relationship has always been the key to maintaining balance. But
” He paused, his expression troubled, “We’ve never faced anything like this before. It’s extremely rare to survive this long after a chain break. And repairing the chain
 we’re venturing into unknown territory. I don’t even know how that’s done.”

As Shirley listened, her expression grew more focused and contemplative. She gently picked up the broken chain, trying to align it with the corresponding part near Dog’s neck, her fingers delicately attempting to piece them together. After a futile attempt lasting about half a minute, she looked up, her frustration evident, “
Simply putting them back together isn’t working.”

With a hint of exasperation, Dog responded, “Obviously it won’t! Even a normal chain needs a skilled blacksmith for proper repair!” He then lay down, his dizziness becoming overwhelming, “What we need is a precise ‘reforging’ process
 It’s not just about physically fixing the chain; it’s about restoring the deeper, symbiotic connection between us

Shirley absorbed his words, deep in thought, her voice low and introspective as she murmured, “But why did the chain break in the first place? I only remember you suddenly falling ill in that cave, then collapsing into the ground

Dog, fighting off his dizziness, analyzed the situation, “It must be linked to the Nether Lord, and also to what you experienced in that square, where you were confronted with many ‘truths’.” He paused, trying to gather his thoughts, “There were signs before the chain broke, and the initial changes in our connection began after you encountered those memories from the Holy Island

After witnessing the ‘truth’, those cultists were instantly twisted and deformed. They transformed from their human states into their most primitive, elemental forms. At that time, it seemed like the captain’s protection shielded you from this vile corruption—but now I wonder, were you actually affected in some subtle way?” Shirley pondered aloud, her mind traveling back to that pivotal moment.

As she deliberated, Shirley’s gaze drifted to her own form, examining the peculiar alterations her body had undergone since then.

Meanwhile, Dog, immersed in contemplation, contributed his thoughts, “You have been entwined in a symbiotic relationship with me, a shadow demon, long before your encounter with the captain. This implies that the seeds of ‘contamination’ were implanted within you from the very beginning. It was the exposure to the memories of the Holy Island that triggered these dormant demonic traits. Being an intrinsic part of you, these traits might have been able to partially circumvent the captain’s protective spells
 After all, the connection between humans and shadow demons can be seen as a ‘symbiotic contract’ established under very specific and delicate conditions. A fundamental alteration in one party’s essence can be seen as a breach of this contract
 It’s comparable to a business partnership. If sudden, unexpected changes prevent one party from fulfilling their obligations, the contract is essentially broken and becomes void

Shirley listened intently, her face expressionless as she processed this information. After a brief pause, she finally asked, “So
 what do we do now?”

After a moment of careful thought, Dog suggested a possible course of action: “If the original contract is irreparable, then our best option is to create a new one. We need to establish a fresh symbiotic contract, one that is in harmony with your altered state.”

Understanding slowly dawned on Shirley, a glimmer of hope sparking within her, prompting her to spring into action. “Then what’s the first step? How are these symbiotic contracts typically formed?”

Shirley and Dog’s connection had spanned over a decade, but it was an informal bond. She had never engaged in the standard summoning rituals commonly practiced by Annihilators, leaving her largely ignorant in this specific area.

Dog, on the other hand, possessed more insight into these practices.

“For Annihilators, forming a ‘symbiotic contract’ involves a series of elaborate preparations. Cultists undertake ritualistic procedures, which include harsh ‘surgeries’ and intense mental conditioning, often accompanied by dark and malevolent acts. These rites are designed to morph their life forms closer to the ‘primal’, to better endure the immense power of shadow demons. However, in your case, this part is irrelevant. You can skip this entire ordeal. Your current condition is already more attuned with the ‘primal’ essence than any Annihilator could hope to be, and you’ve long been familiar with the influence of demonic forces. The only step remaining for you is to perform a basic summoning ritual. Ironically, this is the simplest part of the entire process.”

As Dog spoke, he gradually stood up, his sturdy frame casting a stark silhouette against the desolate, rocky landscape. With deliberate movements, he began to traverse the rugged terrain. His claws carved deep, distinct grooves in the soil, meticulously crafting an elaborate network of runes. Each rune was etched with precision, laying the foundational ‘text’ for their new agreement.

“Establishing a bond and summoning a demon, this process is quite straightforward for us. I’ll take care of all the technicalities: setting up the required runes, preparing the ritual site, and providing the magical energy needed to empower these runes. Your role is relatively simple: you just need to stand at a designated spot along the perimeter of the ritual circle. When everything is set, your task is to focus, visualizing the demon you intend to summon deep within your heart.”

Dog paused, glancing up with a sincere, focused expression towards Shirley, who was watching intently, her eyes reflecting a blend of curiosity and eager anticipation.

“In the usual scenario, the summoning ritual can be a long and arduous process, sometimes stretching over an entire day or even longer. It typically involves creating a rift, an opening that waits for a demon to sense the invitation and emerge at the heart of the rune circle. Once the demon arrives, the summoner can then proceed to formalize the contract. However

His voice faded into a thoughtful silence as he continued his intricate work, moving towards the ritual’s epicenter. The runes he had drawn began to emit a soft, ethereal glow, signifying the nearing completion of his task.

“But Shirley, in our situation, you won’t have to endure such an extensive wait—I’m already here, right before you.”

