Deep Sea Embers - C.732: The Branching Point

Deep Sea Embers

C.732: The Branching Point

Beneath a sky sprinkled with ancient stars, cold and dim, Duncan stood in a tense face-off with the enigmatic dark red core of Navigator One. It loomed before him, its massive size giving it the appearance of a giant, unblinking eye. Time itself seemed to halt, the world around them suspended in a breathless moment. Duncan was gripped by a profound realization: this was a pivotal crossroad, a decisive moment that would inevitably shape the entire course of world history.

In the midst of this eerie stillness, Duncan’s mind wandered back to a crucial piece of intelligence he had gleaned from the “Tomb Guardian.” This encounter had occurred after he ventured into the mysterious Tomb of the Nameless King:

“The observer from the end of time has transmitted a dire message — the end of time has come, and the Usurper has set the world aflame.”

After a while, Duncan let out a gentle sigh, piercing the oppressive silence. His words were tentative, probing: “Do you perceive this as a bad sign? Are you suggesting that I should seize control of this world to avert such a disastrous future?”

“No,” the dark red core vibrated slightly as it spoke in a measured tone, surprising Duncan yet again. “I do not place my trust in so-called ‘revelations’ or ‘omens’ that are not backed by substantial data. To label things as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ based on partial and incomplete information, especially in the absence of critical details, is not a practice grounded in rigor. As for whether you will indeed set this world on fire, or under what circumstances you might decide to do so, I cannot say. The data at hand is simply too scant to draw any definitive conclusions.”

“I am advocating for your takeover because it appears to be the most logical and secure strategy to preserve the shelter based on the intelligence we have at our disposal. When faced with an uncertain and immeasurable future, I find greater trust in the reliability of my current calculations.”

Duncan discerned a distinctive tone of rationality and precision in the response of the dark red core. This was a hallmark trait of Navigator One, a principal entity within the New Hope, devoid of grandiose titles like “Nether Lord” or the mythical label of an “Ancient God.” It was a being that transcended such earthly designations.

Standing before the Usurper, this ancient “machine” was presenting its perspective at this critical fork in the road of history. It was analyzing and projecting the future of the world with the same logical approach it had been programmed with since its inception.

Duncan pondered deeply, lost in thought. The dark red core, in contrast, exhibited a seemingly endless patience, quietly awaiting his decision.

Finally, after a lengthy contemplation, Duncan’s soft yet clear voice cut through the silence: “What will become of this world if I do indeed take control?”

The surrounding mountain range, cloaked in darkness, began to tremble and roar once more. Amidst the deep, resounding noises, its “main peak” started to shrink downward. The dark red core descended from the heavens like a star plummeting to earth, rapidly growing larger in Duncan and Shirley’s view. It approached Duncan with an overpowering and majestic presence, like a celestial body making its descent towards the world below.

As Duncan stood in close proximity to the core, he was struck by its immense size, which he now realized was comparable to the vastness of the Storm Cathedral of Pland. The core’s surface had a crystal-like texture, resembling a gigantic sphere. Peering through its translucent red shell, Duncan could see an intricate network of lines within, with clusters of lights flickering near its center, all seemingly suspended in a viscous, flowing substance.

“After your takeover, all imperfections within the shelter will be addressed. In the Boundless Sea, various ‘contaminations’ and ‘distortions’ that have arisen due to shifts in perception and unregulated observer effects will be realigned according to your cognition. The nights will no longer be perilous, the supernatural phenomena that once devoured humans will be controlled, the sea will transform into a haven of safety, and the city-states will enter a new era of flourishing prosperity
 This period of peace and abundance is predicted to last for an exceptionally long time, as far as we can foresee. If this aligns with your desires, then it shall be actualized.”

“And you, will ascend as a figure akin to the ancient kings, reclaiming your rightful place. You will become the fifth deity, safeguarding the mortal realm alongside the Gods. Your reign will be more stable than any before, free from the gradual descent into madness or loss of control that plagued other ancient kings. According to Navigator Two’s calculations, your mental state is significantly more stable than any of ours.”

“Subsequently, you will be free to pursue whatever you wish — including returning to the real dimension, continuing your explorations and adventures, for as long as you desire.”

It all sounds very promising,” Duncan said, pausing for a few seconds before continuing slowly, “But isn’t there a downside? For me, or for this world?”

“Based on the intelligence currently available to me, from my perspective, there are no negative aspects,” the light within the dark red core flickered as the Nether Lord’s response came, surprisingly straightforward, “Everything will progress positively, and in my judgment, this should align with your own aspirations.”

Usually, at this point, one might mention some minor risks or drawbacks to make the previous statements more credible.”

The dark red core remained silent for a few seconds before responding: “
 Reconfirming, there are no risks or drawbacks.”

Once again, Duncan and the core lapsed into a thoughtful silence. Meanwhile, Shirley, standing beside them, appeared somewhat restless. Her eyes darted between the captain and the “Nether Lord.” Eventually, she spoke up in a soft, uncertain tone: “Captain, are you really going to become a god? Although it sounds amazing
 I can’t help but feel
 somewhat worried

Duncan remained silent, his gaze fixed intently on the colossal core before him. Time seemed to stretch as he pondered, before he finally broke the silence with a measured inquiry, “
What exactly is it that you want me to do?”

The dark red core hesitated for a brief moment, and then the light within it intensified as it delivered its startling directive: “Ignite me.”

A flicker of surprise crossed Duncan’s face, a subtle but significant shift: “
Ignite you?!”

The unpredictability of “Navigator One” never ceased to amaze him.

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Yet, the dark red core appeared indifferent to the nuances in Duncan’s expression and tone. The voice emanating from within maintained its unwavering calm: “Ignite me, just as you did with Frost. Envelop and restructure everything with your flame. During this process, all my power and influence over the mortal realm will be transferred to you. This might also alleviate any doubts you have
 You are aware, your flame has the capacity to accomplish this.”

Duncan’s brow furrowed slightly: “So, you actually ‘experienced’ my flame when I ignited Frost, or more precisely, when I set ablaze the waters of Frost, and that’s when you comprehended my power and conceived this ‘takeover’ scheme?”

Yes, when you obliterated the fragmented cluster, it sent its final data to me, which included an analysis of your abilities. I cross-referenced this with data from Navigator Two’s past observations and formulated this takeover strategy. The calculations indicated its viability.”

“You’re referring to the ‘fragmented cluster’ I destroyed, the tentacle in the waters of Frost? Wasn’t that merely a defective offshoot created during a moment of your loss of control?” Duncan quickly connected the dots, recalling another point the entity mentioned, “Hold on
 You also talked about transmitting fragments of data containing LH-03 to the real world, executed through that tentacle
 Was all that under your deliberate control? You weren’t actually in a state of disarray?!”

Duncan looked bewilderedly at the immense dark red core and the mountainous form behind it. He was suddenly struck by the realization that he might not fully comprehend the current “state” of the Nether Lord. Was it really as out of control as it seemed? freewёbnà«ŠÎœeÉ­.com

At that moment, he noticed the lights on the surface of the “mountain ranges” began to twinkle and move once again. Then, at the tip of one of the “mountains,” a nascent “branch” appeared to sprout from the main body, growing rapidly in the enveloping darkness.

In the next instant, the newly sprouted branch was suddenly engulfed by an unseen force. It fragmented into pieces, part of it transforming into dark smoke that ascended towards the numerous floating islands and the dimly lit stars overhead, while another portion morphed into a stream of mud, cascading back onto the main tentacle structure.

Usurper, this is my ‘loss of control,'” the voice from the dark red core redirected Duncan’s focus.

Duncan averted his gaze, slowly piecing it together: “
Excessive growth?”

“This is my nature and also the responsibility bestowed upon me by my creator.”

Gradually, Duncan began to grasp the situation: “Your duty is

“To reshape my original world, to reconstruct the mother star that I once consumed,” the dark red core explained at a measured pace, “But within the confines of this limited shelter, my mission is bound to fail, hence, from a certain point, my natural inclinations began to stray from their initial programming. The endlessly dividing entities consume one another and return to me, the branches that grow uncontrollably and then decay, and that ‘tentacle’ reaching into the real world are all manifestations of my gradual loss of control.”

“Nevertheless, this ‘loss of control’ can occasionally serve a purpose. With the main body immobilized, these overgrown segments
 sometimes function as conduits for perception or communication, aiding me in grasping the outside world’s changes or transmitting messages.”

I see.” Duncan nodded slowly, his mind actively processing the information.

A form that had lost its control, sprawling across the abyss yet still relentlessly expanding, a central core trapped deep within an immense form, unable to move, an ancient Ai that still possessed clarity of thought but was forever incapable of fulfilling its original purpose. This was the true nature of the “Nether Lord.”

And now, this ancient Ai, ensnared within its own colossal form, was once again extending an offer to him—

“Usurper, what is your decision? Will you accept the responsibility of all this, to rejoin the ranks of the ancient kings?”

Duncan lifted his head from his thoughts, observing the dark red core as it drew nearer to him once more — he only needed to extend his hand to touch its entirely vulnerable crystalline surface.

Captain, it’s speaking the truth,” Alice suddenly interjected from the side.

Duncan glanced at Alice in surprise, and the puppet slowly nodded, her features marked by a hint of conflict: “I
 can’t fully explain it, but I just sense that it’s being truthful.”

Duncan remained silent, absorbing Alice’s words. After a moment of reflection, he gradually raised his hand.

His fingers made contact with the dark red core, feeling a gentle warmth at his fingertips. It throbbed softly, reminiscent of a beating heart.

Ignite me, Usurper,” the core resonated softly as if encouraging him, “Then, I too will be freed from this enduring mission.”

Shirley’s eyes grew wide in astonishment, while Dog remained motionless, watching the unfolding scene with intense focus.

For a brief, surreal moment, they could almost visualize the scene unfolding before them: greenish flames erupting skyward, the dark red core and the distant shadowy mountains catching fire instantaneously, the entire abyssal deep sea engulfed in fierce, consuming flames.

They could almost envision the eradication of all the lurking perils of the Deep Sea Era, the rectification of the shelter’s design flaws, the world above the Boundless Sea settling into a state of peace, a tranquility that would endure through the ages

A new deity would ascend to its rightful place, fitting into the grand scheme like a perfectly aligned gear, a final piece slotting into a puzzle.

But then, abruptly, Duncan retracted his arm, “No, this isn’t right.”

With that simple action, the course of history veered off into an entirely different direction.

