Deep Sea Embers - C.769: Visitor in the Mist

Deep Sea Embers

C.769: Visitor in the Mist

After hurrying to the window, Zhou Ming was able to confirm, much to his astonishment, that what he had seen was indeed real—there were actual words written on the window! Even more intriguing was the fact that these words were inscribed from the outside, using the widely recognized language of the city-states.

The appearance of the words was peculiar; they seemed to quiver slightly on the glass, creating an unsettling effect. It was as if they weren’t directly etched onto the firm, unyielding surface of the window but rather appeared to be suspended in a sort of ephemeral, mist-like illusion. Zhou Ming had to concentrate intensely on these letters for a considerable duration before he could decipher the message from the indistinct and reversed script—

“I am outside. You are inside.”

This revelation left Zhou Ming utterly bewildered—he couldn’t fathom why anyone, or anything, for that matter, would go to the lengths of leaving such a seemingly simplistic and cryptic message on the exterior of his “shelter cocoon.”

At first, he couldn’t help but find the situation somewhat amusing, yet a moment later, his amusement gave way to contemplation as a vague idea began to form in his mind.

Zhou Ming gradually moved away from the window, casting his gaze towards the gray-white fog that shrouded the exterior.

He had been attempting to piece together what lay beyond his “apartment” with only vague guesses up until this point. While the finer details eluded him, he had started to discern a certain pattern or, more precisely, a fundamental logic underlying the deepest essence of this world.

He realized that the notion of “information” carried profound significance; the way information is conveyed lays the groundwork for order. Building on this realization, he understood that “symbolism” in this realm possessed a tangible and potent

With this epiphany, Zhou Ming looked back at the text, his perception subtly shifting. He began to suspect that the phrase wasn’t simply meant for “communication” with him.

Instead, it served as an “anchor point”—a marker placed by some entity that comprehended and had the power to manipulate the “truth” of their reality, marking its presence outside his room.

Suddenly, Zhou Ming’s train of thought was interrupted by a recollection: the mysterious knocking sound that emanated from the black mist during his last return to this place!

In the next instant, as if his memories had the power to influence reality itself, the moment this thought crossed his mind, a sound abruptly emerged beside him—bang, bang, bang.

Zhou Ming quickly turned towards the apartment’s door, only to realize that the sound wasn’t emanating from there. The knocking was coming from the window, suggesting the presence of an unseen visitor outside, obscured by the gray-white fog, persistently tapping on the glass, invisible yet undeniably there, as if awaiting recognition from the “little house’s” inhabitant.

This scenario inexplicably made Zhou Ming think of those “fish.”

Zhou Ming approached the window once more, this time placing his hand against the glass where the knocking originated in an effort to both feel and hear more distinctly—the knocking persisted, and slowly, he began to sense an actual vibration transmitting through his palm.

Lifting his gaze, he peered into the dense fog outside, engaging in a silent confrontation with the “visitor” obscured within it. He envisioned a guest, a being that, among all conceivable possibilities and logical paths, “might possibly manifest here.”

Who could it be, reaching out to him from the very edge of order, from a realm nearly severed from all other existences, at the very foundation of reality itself?

A shadowy figure briefly materialized within the mist, and just as this shadow came into view, Zhou Ming sensed a familiar essence piercing through the dense veil—a spark of his own, a blast from the past he presumed lost forever.

This realization instantly validated his perceptions; the “visitor in the mist” materialized into a definitive presence.

Abruptly, the gray-white mist dissipated, and the once perpetual “landscape” outside transformed in an instant into a brightly lit, elegantly furnished room—a stark contrast to the view from his side of the window. Across this newly revealed setting stood a woman with silver hair cascading over her shoulders, her eyes wide in astonishment at the dramatic shift unfolding before her.

” Zhou Ming found himself uttering instinctively at the sight of her, but he quickly corrected himself, “No, Ray Nora—is it really you?!”

With this acknowledgment, the truth ushered in a directed collapse, and the view outside the window solidified.

There stood the Frost Queen Ray Nora, the enigmatic “visitor in the mist.” Now, she continued to gaze intensely at Zhou Ming—or more precisely, at an unfathomable presence enveloped within some vast, chaotic expanse.

Her eyes mirrored the infinite depths of distant galaxies, their light piercing through the “glass” into her surroundings, casting a subtle celestial glow over what was once a part of “Alice Mansion’s” bedroom, as if it were on the verge of being engulfed by the cosmos itself.

However, under Zhou Ming’s watchful eye, Ray Nora’s expression suddenly shifted, as if she had managed to shake off the mesmerizing effect of the cosmic light, regaining her clarity. She attempted to speak, but through the barrier of the window, only indistinct sounds could be heard.

I see

Zhou Ming, driven by an urge to comprehend her words fully, instinctively pushed the window open.

He remained motionless, staring in disbelief at the now open window, taking a moment to grasp the reality of the situation—the window had indeed opened!

After an interminable duration, during which the dense fog had enveloped this room, rendering it seemingly inaccessible, the window had unexpectedly swung open with startling ease. Zhou Ming was momentarily paralyzed by disbelief, struggling to process the ease with which the barrier between him and the outside world had been dismantled.

Regaining his composure, his attention was immediately captured by the figure of “the Frost Queen” Ray Nora, stationed across from him.

For Ray Nora, witnessing the barrier of light that she had been facing suddenly give way was beyond astonishing; it was an event that defied all expectations in her “drifting journey” across realms. To encounter an entity endowed with “intellect”—perhaps even “humanity”—at the very edge of time and space was a revelation that shattered all her conceptions of the universe.

Despite the overwhelming chaos of starlight that obscured any definitive shape, making it impossible to discern any logic or reason within that bewildering expanse, she intuitively recognized the intelligence behind it. It had heeded her call, unveiling a portion of its enigmatic domain. A “limb” now extended towards her, adorned with millions of eyes that flickered and emitted a discordant sound.

“It’s really you,” Zhou Ming expressed his astonishment upon seeing “Her Majesty the Queen” again, grappling with his confusion. “You’ll have to wait a moment, I’m a bit confused
 How did you find yourself here? You departed from Alice’s Mansion, and since then, you’ve been
 wandering at the fringes? Was it you who knocked last time?”

The cacophony among the stars was overwhelming, yet amidst the turmoil, Ray Nora’s clarity was being incessantly reforged. She watched the “limb” oscillate before her, the myriad voices at its end clamoring for her attention, but gradually, she began to decipher their message.

She realized she was beginning to comprehend the whispers of the cosmos—they were inquiring about her quest.

“I’m on a journey,” she responded instinctively, recounting her odyssey. “I was adrift in the spirit realm, then caught in the currents of subspace
 At the edge of all existence, I found myself ensnared by the mist. Yet, a beacon of light emerged, guiding me here, to this grand ‘hall’

Ray Nora paused, stepping back to fully appreciate the structure before her that appeared to transcend time itself—a “cocoon” suspended at the brink of oblivion, its duration in this liminal space unknown, now revealing a sliver of itself. An ancient and profound presence communicated with her through this opening, each utterance, each vibration laden with truths so profound they could unravel the mind a thousand times over.

Yet, amidst this confrontation with the unfathomable, she found herself gaining steadiness, becoming resilient enough to withstand the onslaught of these cosmic truths. Her mind, too, began to anchor itself more firmly amidst the chaos.

Ray Nora found herself unexpectedly adapting to the situation, regaining her sense of logic and clarity after what could only be described as a reckless encounter with the unknown. It hadn’t even dawned on her that her own voice had taken on a vibratory quality, echoing the tumultuous interaction, nor had she realized how the intense luminescence of starlight had become a permanent fixture in her field of vision.

“You fell into subspace?” Zhou Ming expressed his astonishment with a frown, noting the peculiar tone in Ray Nora’s voice as she responded. Despite sensing something off about her condition, he didn’t dwell on it too much. Instead, he scrutinized her for any signs of subspace contamination, half-jokingly lamenting, “
Why does it seem like everyone’s been taking subspace dips lately

Feeling somewhat bewildered by the ongoing stir within her soul, Ray Nora couldn’t grasp the significance of the new tremors. Yet, amidst this confusion, she began to perceive a more coherent “entity” amidst the chaotic swirl of starlight and the extending “limb.” It appeared as though a figure was standing within that vast and impressive “nest.”

With a slight tilt of her head and a furrowed brow, she ventured, “Are you inviting me in?”

Zhou Ming was caught off guard by her question—had he extended an invitation?

Shaking off the momentary confusion, he embraced the idea. Having been isolated in this secluded “cage” for so long, the prospect of entertaining a guest was genuinely appealing. He hadn’t anticipated company, but now that the opportunity had arisen, he found the idea rather pleasant.

Feeling somewhat sheepish, he glanced down at the windowsill and chuckled awkwardly, “Then you’ll have to climb through the window
 I’m not quite sure how to usher you in through the door

In response, the supernatural presence made way for her; the fissure in the cosmic “nest” widened as if opening its doors, and the light, brimming with truth and enlightenment, beckoned her forward.

Without a second thought, Ray Nora advanced towards the beckoning light.

As Zhou Ming observed her bold, unhesitant approach through the window, he was struck by the realization of why she had been the one to spearhead the deep dive project decades earlier. Her determination and decisiveness far surpassed that of the average individual.

Nonetheless, he couldn’t resist cautioning her, “Hey, be careful, don’t fall

Ray Nora transitioned through the window, her surroundings undergoing a dramatic transformation.

And then, with a solid impact, Her Majesty the Queen landed on the floor. “Ouch!”

This content is taken from fгeewebnovё

