Game of the World Tree - C.324Mar 19, 2024

Game of the World Tree

C.324Mar 19, 2024

I thank you for returning my body!

Upon hearing these words, an idea formed within Eves mind, as if she had found the missing parts of a puzzle and things finally clicked into place.

In that moment, it was as if she vaguely comprehended the reason behind how an imaginary world tree has taken root upon Meryers subconscious world.

If its really what Im assuming, then I definitely couldnt let him succeed!

Eves expression hardened.

Her gaze remained fixed and followed each step Nidhogg took, whilst also monitoring how the cocoon in response seemed to inexorably drew more closer towards the approaching Ancient Dragon.

With resolve in her heart, Ev tapped into her divine power and conjured forth the Scepter of Life.

Although this sudden turn of events greatly exceeded Eves initial expectations, she hadnt entered this battle unprepared and had several trump cards up her sleeve.

Specifically, using the Scepter of Life was her ace in the hole should the situation really turn for the worst.

As a powerful artifact that can somewhat control the laws of life, even though its still in a incomplete state, the Scepter of Life still had the effect of augmenting her powers.

And obtaining this artifact is what gave Ev the courage to possessed Meryers body in the first place and confront Nidhogg!

The Scepter of Life?! How is that possible?! So it was you who actually stole the Scepter of Life! Nidhogg exclaimed, his face turning pale at the sight of the divine artifact.

In response, Ev maintained her silence as she directed her full attention towards Meryer inside the cocoon, which, by this point, is looking a lot more like Nidhogg himself, yet it also alarmingly flickered and faded with each passing second.

If this continued on, Im afraid the consciousness of Meryer would definitely disappear, and Nidhogg would ultimately become the dominant personality

Ev somberly thought and decisively infused a portion of her divine power into the Scepter of Life, awakening its latent power.

Then, a golden light enveloped her illusory body, rendering her current form even more tangible as it exudes as more potent aura.

Following this, without hesitation, Ev also began to rushed towards the cocoon.

Seeing her approaching from behind, Nidhoggs expression contorted into a ferocious grimace, and with a deafening roar, he surged forward whilst burning through all the divine power left within him to rush towards the cocoon at an even faster speed!

With his speed greatly amplified, Nidhogg finally reached to the cocoons side first, while Ev lagged behind, still some distance away.

By this point, Nidhoggs divine power reserves had nearly been depleted, leaving him visibly weakened.

Yet, despite his diminished state, a fervent gleam danced within his eyes, brimming with ecstasy and anticipation.

He then cast a glance over his shoulder at Eve, who was still trailing behind, and laughed heartily, as his aged voice resonated through the entirety of Meryers subconscious world.

Hahaha! Youre already too late, Yggdrasill! Prepare to be hunted down again by the gods! Once I devour this dragons psyche, then youll be expelled from this mindscape, even if you have the Scepter of Life!

However, as soon as his words trailed off, a calm voice, imbued with authority, sliced through in response.


In an instant, Nidhogg felt an irresistible force grip his entire being, rendering him immobile all of a sudden.

Moreover, the cocoon that had been drifting towards him also stopped moving, along with Meryers mental personification inside it, which was gradually fading, becoming visibly more solid once more.

In an instant, Nidhoggs smile faltered and froze in place upon his face once more.

He was only mere seconds away from grasping the cocoonyet these last few seconds seemed to stretch into an eternity, as if time had halted and stood frozen in place.

This was the power of Eves domain and also one of her trump cards in her arsenal.

The moment Nidhogg invaded Mayers mindscape, Ev decisively sent the young black dragons physical body back to the core area of the Elven Forest via teleportation so that he could be in the vicinity of her True Body, the World Tree, hereby allowing her to manifest her Celestial Domain.

Since only within her Celestial Domain could she unleash her strongest power.

And only within this domain could Ev navigate unforeseen circumstances, like whats happening right now, with ease, thus ensuring Nidhogg had no means of escape.

Out of all the trump cards she had prepared, her Celestial Domain definitely stands out as her ultimate weapon!

In fact, as soon as Nidhogg invaded Mayers mindscape, she knew deep down that no matter how much this Ancient Dragon struggled, the outcome had already been predetermined.

Even if he truly devoured the Black Dragons consciousness and took control of Meryers physical body, he still wouldnt have been able to escape from Eves grasp.

T-Thisdomain! You you

Nidhoggs expression contorted into horror as Ev gradually approached and eventually caught up to him.

I told you. freew(e)bnove(l)

Ev sighed softly.


Anger and despair mingled within Nidhoggs roar, which is a bit ironic as he himself embodied the very essence of Despair, so to speak.

No! No!

With him being imprisoned by the power of Eves domain, while at the same time his strength was being sealed by the Withering Heart, and adding to the fact that he had no body and was only in a spectral state, at that point, Nidhogg, the Ancient Divine Dragon of Despair and one of the oldest ancestors of the Black Dragon Bloodline, had ultimately become nothing more than a piece of meat on the chopping board, subject to whatever Ev had desired.

It was to the extent that even Nidhogg himself couldnt even kill himself!

With a decisive gesture, Ev extended her hand and delved into Nidhoggs consciousness to extract his memories.

She wanted to uncover the secrets of the thousand-year heavenly war and understand why her predecessor had been attacked.

With her divine power surging through his mind, Ev intruded into Nidhoggs mindscape and began analyzing his vast expanse of memories.

On the other hand, this Ancient Dragon let out a miserable wail as his spectral form flickered in and out under Eves mental intrusion.

For a moment, Ev felt a surge of vast memories flooding into her mind.

These were Nidhoggs enormous collection of memories, which span millions of years, dating all the way from the early Dragon Era up until now in the present age

I am afraid that only True Gods like myself can handle such large amount of information flowing directly into our minds like these

Ev thought as she skimmed through a lot of redundant information and finally found some useful images within Nidhoggs ocean of memories.

The first piece was a scene depicting a temple composed of white pillars.

In particular, right at the center of this temple was a long table with figures exuding grandeur, engaged in what appeared to be a deep discussion.

Each of them had majestic and sacred voices as their conversation reverberated through the temple:

The World Tree must fall, or else it shall be us who will!

If the status quo continues on like this, more mortals will gain strength and ultimately shall attain the right to ascend into Godhood. In due time, these beings shall eventually question our authority, akin to our defiance against the Ancient Ones beforehand

Nidhogg, did you not aspire to ascend to the status of a Great Old One? Should you manage to sever the connection between the World Tree and the Provenance of Seiges, then we shall grant you a share of this Provenance

The second scene depicted a fierce battlefield.

Fiery streams of molten lava cascaded from above as mountains trembled and shattered.

Amidst the chaos, numerous oak guardians unleashed thunderous roars as this Legion of Treants engaged in fierce combat against divine angels hovering in the skies.

In the sky, over a dozen majestic figures materialized, their forms shimmering with illusionary grace. With sweeping gestures, they unleashed myriad of divine spells, transforming the forest below into a blazing inferno.

At the center of this scene stood a towering World Tree from the distance, clearly viewed from Nidhoggs perspective.

Whilst being accompanied by resounding dragon roars, the scene unfolded from a first-person perspective as Nidhogg tore through the ground and unearthed the World Trees majestic roots.

He ferociously tore and gnawed at them before devouring the roots piece by piece

The third scene was viewed from a deep canyon.

Painful cries accompanied the continuous rolling perspective, punctuated by a voice speaking from behind.

Nidhogg, do you really believe that you can entirely devour the World Tree?

Suddenly, a gentle and mellow voice resounded and the perspective steadied and shifted slightly to reveal a massive silver dragon.


The voice of Nidhogg, old and feeble, echoed slowly.

Then, the silver dragon breathed out a frozen breath, instantly freezing the Ancient Black Dragon and enclosing him into a prison of ice.

Subsequently, with a thunderous roar, the perspective shifted once more and the spectral soul of Nidhogg escaped from his frozen body before fleeing into the distance

As he fled, the perspective showed Nidhogg looking back and seeing his gigantic body in the center of the canyon suddenly shattering from its ice prison.

The shattered crystals from his frozen remains, along with some mangled flesh, then merged with a faint green light, which surprisingly formed into a massive egg

After viewing each scene, Ev sank into contemplative silence.



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