The 9th Class Swordmaster: Blade of Truth - C.102: An Unexpected Encounter

The 9th Class Swordmaster: Blade of Truth

C.102: An Unexpected Encounter


Although there were many ships docked at the harbor, Karyl faced a significant issue. It was impossible to find a helmsman willing to venture into the strait where the Water King dwelled.

Even in the port city, it was difficult to find someone brave enough to steer a ship into the territory of such a creature, knowing it was there.

"At times like this, I really miss Suan Hazer.”

With his expertise in navigating the Fonein River, where serpents dwelled, this wouldn’t have been an issue at all.

"Why don't we use a military ship? After all, this matter is related to His Majesty," suggested Joey Johansel.


"It might be better to use a military ship equipped for an encounter with the Water King, rather than the guild's merchant ships,” Joey continued.

Karyl scanned the list of sailors residing in the city that Juan had handed him while listening to him. It was a well-thought-out proposal.

Joey waited for Karyl's response like a student awaiting a homework review.

"It might be fine for us, but I doubt His Majesty would be pleased."


"His Majesty came to the Church without even settling the succession. I believe it must be highly confidential. I just happened to get involved during that time." Karyl continued flipping through the list, not making eye contact as he spoke.

"Why would he do that? Of course, making His Majesty's illness public wouldn't benefit the empire, but then, do the princes know about it?"

"Well, I'm not sure..."

"Using a military ship for His Majesty's illness? Of course, His Majesty would provide support. We could even make up another reason. But... would the princes really believe it without question?”

Joey Johansel closed his mouth at Karyl’s words.

"Well, it's just speculation, but we also need to be careful not to end up like the hall servants," Karyl said as he flipped to the next page.


"In my opinion, His Majesty isn't ready to hand over the throne to the princes yet."

Karyl smiled meaningfully. Joey Johansel remembered a servant who had been beheaded for just one wrong word and unwittingly rubbed his neck.

Yurin Huygar, who had been silently listening, frowned slightly. He thinks quite far ahead. I knew he was no ordinary man...

Since his dealings with the emperor, Yurin had been observing Karyl and felt that his influence in Piasta was even greater than he had initially thought. Of course, Yurin had no idea just how much Karyl was hiding.

"So, what should we do?" Joey Johansel asked Karyl, his voice filled with concern. Unlike Yurin, he had been somewhat dependent on Karyl since their first meeting.

Yurin isn't a direct confidant of the emperor like others. Most likely, he has been directing most actions up to now.

The less intimate Yurin's relationship with the emperor, the more advantageous it was for Karyl.

He's a skilled healer. It would be good if we could bring him to our side.

Karyl looked at Yurin Huygar, who was sitting down.

But that madman needs some consideration.

While continuing to flip through several lists, Karyl's hand stopped on the last page.

"Should I ask what you plan to do..."


Just as Yurin was about to speak again, Karyl raised his index finger to him, signaling him to be quiet.

In an instant, Karyl's eyes sparkled, his mouth curling into a smile.

"Found him."


"What? But that guy is..."

Juan, the guild's administrator, expressed his reluctance at Karyl's command. Joey and Yurin, unaware of the details, simply observed the situation.

"It doesn't matter, bring him here."


Not long after Karyl's order, Juan came back with a young boy. He looked only slightly older than Karyl, still bearing an adolescent freshness, and his small stature made him appear even younger.

Yurin Huygar glanced skeptically between Karyl and the newcomer, his expression questioning the choice of such a young lad.

"Here he is."

Seeing the boy's nervous face as he bowed politely beside the administrator, Karyl smiled with satisfaction.

"I'm Karl Mack."

"Good to see you.” Karyl greeted him as if he was meeting someone he knew well. "I see you joined our guild two months ago."

"Yes, I haven't been up from Yoman for long."

Yoman was a small village in the northeastern part of the empire, so small that its population barely exceeded five hundred people. It was a rather obscure village; not many people knew about it, which added to its countryside authenticity.

"A countryside native, huh."

Luckily, since the village wasn't far from Heim, Yurin Huygar was familiar with Yoman.

"So, you've come from afar. But with so many other guilds in Piasta, why choose ours?"

Karyl began questioning him as if conducting an interview. However, the boy responded smoothly, as if prepared for any question.

"Because it's the most famous. Sure, there are older and more established guilds in the harbor city, but as long as the Ravat Guild exists, they won't grow any larger."

"Why? There still are bigger guilds than ours. Guilds like Timan or Anush have adventurers as well, not just merchants. They're invaluable to mercenaries and freelance sorcerers, you know?"

"That's exactly why those guilds won’t do.”


"They're too conspicuous. Only a kingdom should have both power and wealth, not guilds.”

Karyl looked amused by his answer.

"Besides, the Ravat Guild is a hot topic here. It has many enemies, but guilds like this allow you to rise faster than the ones that have been stagnating."

"It’s gambling, then."

"Gambling with high odds."

"Did you choose this yourself?"


Karyl felt a chill when he first saw Karl Mack's name on the list of the city's sailors. Karl Mack was destined to become one of the seven greats of commerce within the empire, eventually earning the nickname Mack Meister.

To think that such a significant figure was currently at the bottom rung of his guild...

The result of the future I created.

If Karyl hadn't established the Ravat Guild, Karl Mack might have been working for another guild in Piasta as he had in his past life. While Kamma and Suan Hazer were exceptional, Mack Meister's capabilities would rapidly propel Ravat to the top of the continent.

Karl Mack saw our guild's potential.

His sharp insight and bold spirit indicated that his abilities as a merchant were already shining.

But another important point is that he's also an outstanding helmsman.

Mack Meister's navigation skills were different from Suan Hazer's. If Suan could navigate through rough waters and storms, Karl Mack was a master in finding the fastest routes and establishing optimal paths.

This content is taken from freeweɓnovel.cѳm.

"Karl, there's something I'd like you to do. We need to head out to the strait now. You reckon you can helm our ship?”

"The strait... Isn't it the Water King's spawning season? I heard that's why other ships aren't sailing out."

"We need to go anyway. If we could at least get to the principality, that would be great."

"Why not travel by land?"

"It takes too long. It's not imperial territory, so we can't use teleportation magic."


Karyl believed he would find a way to solve it somehow.

"Is it urgent?"

"The sooner, the better. Always.”

"Except in bed, right?" Karl Mack pointed at Karyl playfully as he nodded. "Do you just need to get to the principality by any means?" he asked with a playful yet intriguing smile, as Karyl had expected.

"Of course."

"We'll use the Howard vessel."

"Eh...? What?!"

Juan, the guild's administrator, was shocked by Karl Mack's statement. Not only was it costly, but only one person in the Ravat Guild was qualified to use it.

Though small, the Howard vessel, made from carefully chosen wood and parts, had been specifically designed by Suan for crossing the Fonein River and navigating the lawless ports.

It was named after Nelson Howard, once called the Island King.

"I'll need a map, a sextant, and records of this month's weather, along with data on monsters in the strait,” Karyl spoke as if he had been waiting for this moment. "Everything's ready. Juan, prepare the Howard."

"Ah, yes, sir."

"And..." Karl Mack did not miss this opportunity. "If I complete this mission, please take me to Tatur, Master."

Trade was about making a profit. Boldly, the country bumpkin, now a merchant in his own right, negotiated his first deal using his talent as the bargaining chip.

"That depends on how you handle it. How long to chart the course?"

"Three hours should suffice."


No navigator in Piasta had been able to find a path through the strait to the principality during the Water King's season.

Such a task in just three hours?

Karyl shivered slightly without realizing it.

Suan Hazer, Mikhail, Aiden Hamil...

Watching someone's talent blossom was always exhilarating.


Karl Mack spread a map on the table and, leaning on one arm while holding his chin with the other, began inspecting it. Æ’Đłeewebnovё

"Normally, it would take two months to reach the principality by following the regular routes.”

He nodded slowly, his tone confident.

"I'll cut it down to one month."


"This... This is madness!!"


The Howard vessel, with its sails fully unfurled and catching the wind, sliced through the waves with exhilarating speed.

"We’re supposed to cross the sea while avoiding the Water King, not purposefully rush to our deaths!”

Yurin Huygar's voice rang out over the roaring sound of the waves.

"Feeling nervous?" asked Karl Mack.


"If you're nervous, maybe you should go back on a tube."

"No, you little—"

Yurin glared at Karl Mack as if he wanted to devour him, trembling with suppressed rage. But befitting of a priest, he managed to swallow his curses just before they escaped his lips.

Joey Johansel stood beside him, offering an awkward smile as he tried to pacify him.

"That's why I didn’t tell you,” Karl Mack sighed. He had not disclosed his route to the three of them until fifteen days after they set off.

Unlike the puzzled pair, Karyl had not asked any questions before or during the departure.

"I see."

And this time was no different.

Karl was surprised by Karyl's reaction when he finally revealed their destination, as it was not what he had expected of him.

What's with that reaction...?

He had more or less anticipated Yurin Huygar's reaction, especially since the bow of the ship was pointed in a direction entirely different from their initial destination, the principality.


"I wouldn't have thought of this." Karyl tapped on the map where Karl Mack had indicated their destination and looked at him. Then, with a satisfied smile, he continued, "Using a monster to catch a monster... Sounds like fun, doesn't it?"

