The 9th Class Swordmaster: Blade of Truth - C.106: Cove



Karl Mack jolted awake.


The abrupt motion sent a sharp pain in his back, causing him to slump forward.

"Are you up? Easy now.”

At Yurin’s words, Karl looked up. The sky was dark, the stars seemingly ready to spill out at any moment.

"How long was I asleep?" Despite the picturesque scene, Karl's face was filled with bewilderment.

"About half a day."

"What? That long?!"

"Well, you were up for several nights. It's actually impressive you're up already," Yurin commented.

But Karl, seemingly indifferent to the praise, grimaced and said, “Master Karyl still hasn’t returned after all this time... Is he alright? Should we go back and check?"

"Are you crazy?" Yurin gave him a look of disbelief. He’s narrowly escaped death, and yet he wants to go back? Does this guy not value his life?

That was when Joey Johansel pointed out to the sea.

"Look...! There!"

They could make out a silhouette in the distance, floating on the water among debris.

"Master!" Karl, with his keen eyesight, immediately recognized Karyl.


Karl quickly turned the helm and steered the boat toward him. He navigated to the remnants of the auxiliary boat until he reached Karyl to pull him out of the water.


Karl couldn’t lift him up by himself, as the wet clothing made him heavier than usual, which prompted Yurin to step in and grab Karyl by the nape.

This 𝓬ontent is taken from freeweɓnovel.cѳm.



Unlike Karl, who was shouting, Yurin looked puzzled as he observed Karyl, who seemed to be terribly injured.

"Master, are you okay?! Wake up! Can you hear me?"

"I'll take a look."

Joey Johansel sat down beside Karyl and promptly chanted a prayer. A milky light flowed from his hands, enveloping Karyl.

"Cough, cough...!!"

Karyl's chest heaved, and he suddenly threw up water mixed with blood.


Karl supported Karyl's neck with both hands.

"The wounds look bad. I'll apply healing magic, so hold on tight."

"Yes, sir."

Joey took out a rosary, placed it over his chest, and prayed again.

"May Yula's grace be upon us."

A light, whiter than the previous one, flowed from the beads.

"Ugh..." Karyl let out a low moan as his wounds rapidly healed.

"You’re awake? Ah, you’re in bad shape... Are you okay? Why would you jump in between those monsters...!!"

Karl’s eyes bore a mix of resentment as he looked at Yurin, the only other combatant on the ship.


However, instead of joining in the commotion, Yurin took a closer look at Karl’s injuries. They’re too superficial...

He had felt something off when pulling Karyl out of the water.

"Listen,” Yurin spoke softly to Karyl. "What happened with the Water King and the Sea King? Did you really take care of them?"

"Is this the time to ask that?” Karl retorted. “Don't you see Master’s injuries?”

"I’m asking precisely because I can see. He won’t die from this, so stop making a fuss and just steer the ship. We have two priests here. They won’t let him die, so don’t worry."

"Ah, so annoying. What good is it to have two priests if none of them do anything..." Karl stood up, muttering just loud enough for Yurin to be able to make out his words.


"Yes, sir! I’ll head toward the principality right now!"

As Yurin glared, Karl quickly entered the steering cabin.


Then, Karyl slowly opened his eyes, as though he had been waiting for Karl to leave.

"How did it go?"

Karyl smiled faintly and unclenched his fist in response to Yurin’s question.

"Don't worry. I’ve dealt with everything."

It was a fang from the Water King.

However, Yurin’s doubts weren’t dispelled. "Are you sure?"

"If you're suspicious, you're welcome to go back and check,” Karyl said with a shrug. “Just be aware that the Sea King’s venom is floating on the sea's surface, so touching it will instantly melt your skin off.”


"Well, congratulations on making it out of there alive. If what you’re saying is true, His Majesty will surely reward your efforts accordingly." Yurin grimaced.

His words implied that Karyl would face serious consequences if he was lying about this. Yet, despite Yurin’s veiled threat, Karyl just smiled nonchalantly.

"Thank you."

Despite Yurin’s tacit warning, Karyl’s evidence was irrefutable. After all, it would’ve been impossible to extract a fang from the Water King or the Sea King if either of them had still been alive.

He has the fang as proof, but... I still can’t believe that he’s actually succeeded. Should I have stayed and watched the whole thing until the end?

Yurin had planned to complete the remaining journey himself and report to the emperor in the event that Karyl died.

However, he quickly shook his head, realizing that he had made the right decision. Indeed, staying passive in front of two dragon-class monsters would have been suicidal. Moreover, as Karyl had said, venturing into the water contaminated by Kraken’s venom would be madness.

The bodies would’ve sunk beneath the waters by now, and the area would be teeming with monsters attracted by the scent.

There was no other way.

Yurin clenched his teeth without realizing it.

"Fortunately, I won't have to pass my duties onto you, Sir Yurin. I'll continue to lead,” Karyl said with a tone that seemed to convey that he was aware of everything.

"Hmph...We'll reach the principality soon enough,” Yurin continued. “As an Imperial, you’d be wise to exercise caution. Although you're under the guise of a merchant, it’s best not to get caught."

Yurin turned his head away, clearly irritated with the fact Karyl kept exceeding his expectations.

"Of course. From now on, I'll be relying a bit on your strength, Sir Yurin. Divine grace transcends borders."

Karyl nodded.

"But I'm a bit worried. After all, isn't the Church closer to the principality than the empire?"


One couldn’t dare to speak such words without knowledge of the Lurein family’s genealogy. And only Karyl, knowing that Yurin Huygar was under the emperor's command, could utter such a provocation.

"The Church is equal to all,” Yurin frowled.

"Of course, that would be the case. Please take care during our passage through the principality."

"If you act properly, there won't be any problems."

"I'll take that to heart."

Karyl handed over the Sea Serpent’s fang.

"Will you take it?"

"...No, keep it. Your achievement, your token,” Yurin replied curtly without even looking at Karyl, his pride clearly hurt.

"Understood. In case you need it later..."

With that, Karyl smiled ambiguously and then headed toward the steering cabin.

"Increase the speed, Karl."


Regardless of his hidden intentions, the Howard, catching a favorable wind, began to glide smoothly across the sea.


The Lurein Principality, a giant kingdom that stood alongside the empire as a continental powerhouse, was ruled by seven dukes known as the Septem Dukes. Although one might consider it similar to a union like the Istan Kingdoms, there were clear differences.

Unlike the Three Kingdoms, where each kingdom had joined individually, all the dukes in the principality are from the Lurein family. Thus, although their names differed, the principality and the empire were ultimately similar, both being ruled by one family.

However, practically speaking, the master of the principality was Tuli Lurein, the eldest daughter and the most powerful among the seven dukes. But it was rather difficult for her to focus on the nation’s power, as Fran Lurein, the second child, constantly eyed her territory.

This delays the war with the empire and maintains a balance of power, Karyl thought to himself as he looked out at the enormous harbor, which was incomparable to Piasta.

The port city of Cove, which was under Fran Lurein’s territory, bustled with numerous warships.

With a navy this size, it could certainly threaten the empire. Even if Fran had not fallen out with his sister Tuli, a war might have already erupted.

Although the empire dominated on land, the principality reigned supreme over the sea. In other words, the principality was capable of invading by sea, but the empire’s ability to launch a maritime invasion was almost non-existent.

The numbers were similar, but their ships were fundamentally different.

The ships anchored in Cove resembled the line of battleships known from the Magical Era. And unlike the ones the empire had, these battleships sported cannon ports, and their sides were engraved with geometric mana sigils.

Indeed, in war, mana is one of the biggest variables that can turn the tides.

In that sense, the empire was the nation with the most sorcerers on the continent, supported by both the Dawn Society and the Immortal Society.

But the principality has overcome this mana disparity with technology.

More specifically, they had done that with mana engineering. While the empire focused on magic and swordsmanship, the principality's Septem Dukes devoted themselves to excavating relics within their territories.

In fact, their efforts are the reason the golems created by Wolfgang Schmal, the founder of Ashkelon, still remained in the principality.

The principality is at least fifty years ahead in terms of technological exploration of relics. There’s no way the empire will stand by and let them close this gap, which is why the emperor uses priests from the Church to secretly conduct relic explorations.

The empire still lacked the technological capability to operate golems, so the gap was evident. Perhaps, had a few more years passed, the principality might have invaded the empire first. Or rather, the empire could have used the upcoming turmoil of imperial succession as an opportunity to invade first.

It’s not impossible. Karyl recalled his memories.

The confusion in the empire would come sooner than the disorder in the principality.

The rivalry between Tuli Lurein and Fran Lurein.

Although Tuli was known as the empress of the principality and undeniably the most powerful, Fran wielded the mightiest military force among the dukes, his fleet of battleships being the largest among the dukes.

Ironically, because the biggest portion of his military power is his fleet, he hasn’t struck against Tuli.

It had been a period of unprecedented rivalry. Afterward, Olivurn's empire had ruthlessly swept through the principality, employing its mana engineering.


Having been the protagonist of the war in his past life, Karyl gazed at the battleships he had once burned with a bitter smile.

"Please present your identification."

As the party was about to disembark from the Howard, docked at Cove, guards approached them in a uniform manner.

"What's this...?" Yurin Huygar frowned slightly at the soldiers guarding them.

"We are priests, sent here from Heim by order of the Church." Joey Johansel hurriedly showed his priestly credentials, hoping Yurin wouldn’t notice. "And these two are guests of the Church."

However, the guards seemed uninterested in what Joey was telling them and instead addressed Karyl and Karl.

"The port of Cove is currently under a second-degree martial law. All newcomers are subjected to inspection."

"Martial law? Does that mean the principality is at war?"

"I cannot disclose details. Even if you are priests, the other two must present their identification."

Caught off guard by the guard’s statement, Joey looked troubled. An Imperial would most likely have a hard time gaining entry during war.

As expected.

Yet, Karyl appeared unfazed by the guards. While he had influenced many future events in the empire, the principality remained unchanged.

This is the fight between Tuli and Fran.

Things were exactly as he remembered.

"This is getting troublesome. It’s unlucky that the very thing we discussed on the ship is happening.”

Yurin glanced at Karyl as if to say “typical”, and just then someone intervened from behind the guards.

"I will vouch for their identities. Let them into Cove."

The guards turned around in surprise and snapped to attention with a salute.

"Your Grace...!"

Behind the guards stood a handsome man with delicate features despite his robust build, his hair white and his eyes blue. All eyes turned to him.

"I've been waiting for you, Karyl. I'm surprised you arrived so quickly, crossing the strait like that."

Karyl responded with a light chuckle and a glance at Yurin, as if to say “see?”

What... Fran Lurein? How does this Imperial know him? Yurin looked at Karyl with a puzzled expression.

"I will escort you."

Following the duke's lead, Karyl took his first steps into the principality.

I hadn’t expected Fran Lurein himself to... I’ve caught a bigger fish than I thought I would. Good. Let’s see what he offers.

Karyl watched his back with his eyes gleaming.

The note he had received from that trainee in Heim contained only one word.


