The 9th Class Swordmaster: Blade of Truth - C.137: A Perfect Victory




Karyl smiled at the cheers that filled the Twin Armor. The oppressive atmosphere had been replaced by boisterous celebration.

“This is something else... We don’t even have enough prison space for all the captives.”

“For now, we’ve split the soldiers and sent them to villages near the border.”

Marze and Aben, intoxicated by the rare sensation of victory, spoke with pleased expressions.

“All the officers have been isolated, right? It’s a long way to the empire’s border. Regular soldiers wouldn’t think of escaping even if there were few guards, but officers are different.”

Even the veterans were overjoyed, but Karyl, the key figure in this S-rank dungeon hunt, was already handling the aftermath as if nothing special had happened.

Karyl borrowed Marze’s office in the Lord Tower, sitting at the desk as if it were his own.

“Yes, don’t worry. The Golden Knights have been imprisoned separately in the Lord’s Tower, and the regular army officers have been gathered separately too.”

He quickly skimmed through the report that had come up.

After organizing the captives, Karyl distributed the empire’s supplies to the villagers near the border.

“Because of this battle, the fields and farms near the border are almost unusable. You two should go to the damaged areas yourselves and handle the specifics, but this distribution of supplies should get them through the winter.”

Calculating the types and units of supplies, as well as the amounts needed to get through a long winter, was something only someone with military experience could do.

Amazing... Even those who have been on the battlefield for years have trouble with handling supplies.

Aben couldn’t help being impressed by Karyl’s perfect follow-up instructions, not just his combat tactics.

“Alright, this settles the supply issue... Be especially careful with the sorcery units among the captives. The mana restraints in the Turtle Castle might not be enough, so please keep an eye on them until reinforcements from Tatur arrive.”

Aben nodded.

“Of course. We reported it to the kingdom, but they seem to be at a loss, since we’ve never captured so many before.”

“Hmph... Incompetent people. The palace had no response even when the empire crossed the border, but now that we’ve captured them, they’re suddenly in contact,” Marze muttered with a frown.

Of course, he wasn’t aware that Baron Beryl, allied with Karyl, was behind the palace’s inaction regarding the Twin Armor’s situation. But even without Karyl’s influence, those in power would have placed the nation’s fate onto Marze’s shoulders.

If the current king let the Twin Armor fall, he’d blame it on someone else to save his skin.

Marze wasn’t the only one who thought this way. Leaders who didn’t take responsibility for their country—how can they be trusted to achieve anything?

But Karyl addressed the current issues without any unnecessary commentary.

“It’s fine. Tatur is closer to the Twin Armor than the palace. And since we’re using some of the empire’s supplies, we’re not at a loss.”

“Thank you for your continued support, Sir Karyl.”

Karyl waved his hand as Marze bowed.

“Sir? Please, I’m just a merchant from Tatur.”

Aben and Marze chuckled at that. Karyl himself found it amusing, especially when he saw Viola’s expression.

He talks a good game, when he’s claiming to be the lord of the south...

Seeing her pout at him, Karyl smiled lightly.

“You deserve every bit of respect, Sir Karyl. You’re our savior.”

Despite Karyl’s humility, Marze bowed again.

“Indeed. We’re more grateful to the Free Army than to the palace that abandoned us.”

Karyl looked at them with a troubled expression, but a satisfied smile soon tugged at his lips.

Titan Shutean’s ambition worked in my favor. I’m glad to have gained their loyalty.

Many nobles had already been swayed because of the Mana Mine. The incompetent kings kept buying more mana stones to keep each other in check, increasing their debts exponentially.

The debt itself wasn’t that important. What mattered was the impression left on their retainers. Unlike empires or principalities, the reason small nations stayed weak was clear.

The biggest problem is the incompetent king, but there are no capable retainers to support him.

Nobles in small countries all had the same priority—who could make them richer?

They have no will to develop the country.

Baron Beryl was a perfect example. He only cared about how to get more and better elemental stones from Karyl. Other nobles were no different.

“Will we meet again?”

Marze’s words surprised Aben and the retainers.

“Of course,” Karyl nodded at him. “But when that time comes, it will be a decisive moment. As loyal subjects, it won’t be an easy task.”

Those near the Twin Armor in the northern border area knew Tatur better than anyone else, including its new master. Marze and Aben hadn’t met him officially, but they instinctively knew it was Karyl. A mere merchant wouldn’t possess such military might and skill.

The southern tribes must be lending him their strength...

There was no need for further explanation. Even though Karyl hadn’t said it directly like with Viola, the two experienced knights realized that they could meet Karyl as an enemy next time.

“It seems that Princess Viola understands clearly her fascination for you, Sir Karyl.”

Aben smiled faintly.

“We will fulfill our duties as retainers. But... no matter how sturdy the Twin Armor is, it can’t defend something that doesn’t want to be defended.”

A significant crack seemed to have formed in their hearts.

“We realized it when we saw the Free Army. We’re the only ones within the Three Kingdoms who can stop our enemies.”

Aben spoke for Marze, as both of them were well aware of that. They could certainly hold off the empire and the principality from the north, but the storm coming from the south would prove too much for them.

“There’s nothing we can do once the southern defense line is breached. If it gets to that, there won’t be any going back,” Aben indirectly voiced their thoughts, and Karyl realized that they were on the same page as him.

Indeed, these two are different from the useless people at the palace.

Marze and Aben weren’t like those who had latched onto Karyl because they believed he would make them richer than a king who did nothing but sit on his throne on account of his royal blood.

It was likely that the grand Plan B Karyl had talked about would have progressed on his own without his intervention, just like in his previous life. The Three Kingdoms of Istria had already been on the path to ruin.

With loyalty to the king already crumbling internally, the only challenge was winning over the forces stationed at the Twin Armor.

Karyl had managed to leave a lasting impression on the two veterans known as the Shield of Istan and the Gatekeeper of Tevanel, firmly etching himself into their minds.

Indeed, having witnessed Karyl’s combat prowess, the two were drawn to him. However, they hadn’t accepted him as their lord just yet. It was more of a hope, but it was clear that they both shared it.

If only someone like him were the ruler of our nation...

Marze and Aben didn’t fight for their respective kingdoms out of loyalty to their kings, but to protect their people and their lands. In that sense, Karyl seemed different from the empire that had taken their people as captives, or from the kings who had forsaken them.

Karyl’s biggest gain from this war was likely not the forty thousand prisoners of the empire, but Marze and Aben’s acknowledgement and admiration.

“But...” Marze began cautiously. “What are your plans from here? Are you going to Tatur?”


“Then... Is it alright? Quite a bit of time has passed, and the other two princes must have reached the south by now...”

Marze’s concern was understandable. Knowing that Karyl’s Free Army was composed of southern barbarians and that this situation stemmed from a conflict between the barbarians and the empire, he naturally linked Karyl to this event.

Of course, Marze couldn’t know the specific reasons for the conflict or which southern tribe was involved, as he was stationed at the border.

Not even the empire knows which tribe did it. They only know that their knights have been slaughtered.

Moreover, it was the empire that had invaded first, making it difficult for them to conduct a thorough investigation.

There’s no reason for things to escalate this much.

Karyl thought about how Olivurn would react to the annihilation of his Ryeo Knights.

If he had a contract with Digon, this sudden incident would be a clear breach of it. He would at least seek compensation.

But the unexpected factor for Olivurn was the emperor’s return, leading to a sudden decision to head south. This was the result of the different stances of the three princes and the emperor’s schemes intertwining.

Attacking the Gray Training Ground has changed everything.

Because of Karyl, Olivurn had sent the Ryeo Knights to the south after learning about the Clear Distilled Water.

This didn’t happen in my past life.

Karyl compared each key event, ticking them off mentally.

Regardless of the changes I made, one important thing still remains.

The precondition of this incident was the Ryeo Knights reaching the Abyssal Rock in the south without any restrictions.

When did Olivurn ally with the Digon tribe? Without this incident, I wouldn’t have known their connection.

This was a stroke of luck for Karyl.

“Don’t worry.” Karyl smiled gently at Marze, who looked anxious. “We already know which prince will reach the south.”


“Phew... That was close.”

“I’m never riding on a boat with you ever again.”

“Why? We wouldn’t have arrived on time if it weren’t for me.”

At Suan’s response, Dushala shook her head, looking as though she had gone through a terrible ordeal.

When the Water King awakened, the waters of the Fonein River suddenly became turbulent as if anticipating the monster’s awakening.

Suan navigated the raging river effortlessly. Unlike Aidan, who seemed fine, Dushala had a tough time with the rough waves. Even after being on land for a while, she still looked pale and felt queasy.

“If you don’t like how I navigate, you can ride on that guy’s back on the way back. At least you won’t get seasick.”

“...That’s even worse.”

“Ha!” Suan and Aidan chuckled at Dushala’s shudder.

“That guy... I was wondering why no one saw him in Tatur, but when the hell did he manage to get here? When did Master prepare all this?” Suan spoke with genuine admiration.

They were in the last canyon leading to the south, surrounded by cliffs so high they seemed like endless walls. They were observing a group from a vantage point. The people below appeared to be in trouble, halted in their tracks.

“It’s just as Master had predicted,” Aidan smirked.

Dushala nodded in agreement.

“This means only one person can head south.”

At her words, Suan looked down with a peculiar expression, recalling the events at Piasta.

"I'd love to see the look on the esteemed Second Prince's face."


The roar of a monster echoed through the canyon.


There, coiled up, a massive Sand Serpent blocked the only passage between the cliffs.

