The 9th Class Swordmaster: Blade of Truth - C.63: Tying Up Loose Ends (1)

The 9th Class Swordmaster: Blade of Truth

C.63: Tying Up Loose Ends (1)

What is he doing? Why isn’t he coming out yet? He has just been sitting quietly for quite a while already. Isn't everything here done? Why aren’t we leaving? Growing increasively restless, Aidan peered out of the window and observed Karyl's back. From what Aidan could tell, he had been sitting in a meditative posture for at least twelve hours.

"What kind of training could it be?"

"I have no idea," Mikhail replied, equally perplexed.

A full day had passed since Karyl had returned to his room from the lord's manor, and he hadn't emerged since. Aidan and Mikhail had gone upstairs to check on him, but the dense mana emanating from the room made them hesitant to even touch the doorknob.

What's with this intense magic? Aidan wondered, feeling a tingling sensation on his skin. He nervously swallowed and knocked on the door, hoping for a response. "Karyl, it's Aidan."

Yet, there were greeted by silence, causing Mikhail and Aidan to exchange anxious glances.

Mikhail was the first one to speak up. "This... this is Karyl's magic?"

"It must be."

Now that Mikhail had reached the 3rd Class, he had also now had the ability to sense the flow of external magic. Karyl, who had disappeared for a few days only to return seemingly transformed, was like a different person to both of them.

Looking at Karyl, Mikhail wondered, Well, aren’t I the same? Could I have ever imagined reaching the 3rd Class? I thought magic had nothing to do with me. My life completely changed after coming to Azor.

He smirked, thinking about the tremendous impact Karyl had on his life. Becoming a mercenary seemed like a distant memory now. He knew after all, that this was just the beginning. If he followed behind Karyl, he knew he could one day reach unimaginable realms. Any dissatisfaction he had from leaving the mercenary gang had long since vanished, replaced by a hunger for knowledge and power.


But before Mikhail could dwell further on his thoughts...


Startled, Mikhail jumped at the sound of his name, without even turning around, Mikhail yelped.

"Yes? Yes, what is it?!"

"There should be a man named Thomson downstairs. Bring him here."


As Karyl slowly stood up and opened the door, Aidan did his best to hide his surprise.

"How long has it been?"

"Um... about a day and a half. Are you feeling well?"

"I'm fine. Hmm, more time seems to have passed than I expected."

Karyl's appearance reflected the tol it had taken on him. Pale and famished, Karyl looked as if he hadn’t eaten in weeks, when it had only been a day.

"Shall I prepare some food for you?" Aidan offered, a hint of concern in his voice.

"That would be good," Karyl replied, hunger evident in his eyes.

"I'll prepare it right away."

Aidan found it difficult to meet Karyl's eyes, unlike before when he had been actively searching for any gaps in Karyl's demeanor. He quickly made his way down the stairs, when halfway down his steps suddenly faltered. Unbeknownst to him, his grip on the railing tightened.

Was I...? His face contorted with a mix of confusion and fear. Was I overpowered by his aura just now?

His hasty action to prepare food wasn't just a friendly gesture, it was rather instinct—an excuse to flee.


Karyl seemed completely different from before. Every time he leaves, he returns a completely new person. What even happens in his getaway trips?

Aidan looked back up the stairs, his curiosity piqued. Yet, his steps continued downward, he couldn't muster the courage to go back up.


"It's been a little over a day since we left the Gray Training Ground. And I must admit, Allen, just as you said, creating this space has proven to be quite useful. It allows me to train anywhere I want."

[Of course I was right. Also It's partly because your mana is so vast. Still, aren't you pushing yourself a little too hard?]

"We're leaving soon. I have to wrap up as much as possible before that."

[Don't rush. Calnere's swordsmanship require’s time and dedication, it isn't something you can grasp just by thinking about it. And let’s not forget, you've only recently begun to properly handle magic. This isn't something you can resolve in a day or two.]

Karyl just chuckled. "Putting that aside, the space you create... It reminds me of Pharel. It feels like I have spent at least a month in there," Karyl said, slowly clenching and unclenching his fist.

[I must admit, I'm somewhat surprised myself. There may indeed be similarities. The monsters that appeared in that space were also Tarak.]

Karyl said, pondering for a moment. "That space seemed to manipulate time and illusions, much like Pharel... Maybe the magic you use is related to divine power?"

Allen just shrugged. [Who knows? As I mentioned before, dragon magic is closely tied to spirit power. For now, let's just call it ancient magic. After all, I don't know about the actions of the gods from far before I was born.] He gestured towards the stack of magical tomes on the desk, gracefully provided by the lord's manor. [But at the very least, it's a truth uncomparable to such low-level formulas.]

Karyl smirked at his words.

[But I digress. So, how do you feel?]

"I feel fine." Karyl couldn’t help but think about the space Allen had created, where the Tarak endlessly respawned in the darkness. Even though he knew they were illusions, the pain felt all too real. As he defended against the unpredictable attacks of the monsters, Allen taught him swordsmanship.

[To be honest, I didn't expect you to be able to fight to that extent. The master of the Freezing Talon wasn't me, after all. I just showed you the images based on my memory.]

"It wasn't easy with the body I have now. The sword form proved to be more difficult than I initially thought."

Among the Seven Elders, experts in magic and sacred laws, spirit magic, and even curse magic, there was one who stood out. This individual was unique in wielding a sword, possibly the pioneer in defining what is now recognized as a Sword Master. He was the founder of magical swordsmanship, Calnere.

[So, how many of the techniques have you mastered?]

Even excluding the variations within the forty-nine techniques, and narrowing it down to seven essential ones, mastering the Colorless Air Sword was challenging for Karyl. Mastering even the basic first technique was extremely hard. Unlike the typical method of infusing mana into a weapon, the first technique allowed one to store and refine mana within the body before concentrating it into the weapon.

Allen spoke confidently, [Once you master them all, you'll be able to uleash power several times greater than that of a Sword Master using a mana blade.] After all, Calnere himself had reached that level.

[You'll need a few more sessions,] Allen continued. [While it's possible for you to create the illusion space with your abundant mana, it's not something you can do repeatedly. It consumes not only your mana but also your mental energy.]

"I see." Karyl finally realized why he felt so fatigued. "I did get a feeling, that it's not something I can do often. Well, the reason I rushed was because when I’m in this space, my physical body becomes vulnerable in reality. If I were to get ambushed, I wouldn't have been able to react."

[To become stronger, one must take some risks. You mentioned that there's something you need to do, right? I don't know what it is, but do take care of yourself.]

"No. That's enough for now."


"It’s pointless to continue to just learn the swordsmanship. Of course, studying magic woud be useful, but until I unlock my meridians, it is pointless."

Allen looked at Karyl in confusion.

"As of today, I've mastered all seven techniques of the Colorless Air Sword."


"Although my body is far from perfect and there are limitations to using the swordsmanship, through today's training I’ve familiarized myself with your recollection of the techniques. The rest must be to be applied in real combat, not just against illusions," Karyl explained casually, leaving Allen Javius in shock.

[...You've mastered all of Calnere's techniques in just a few days? Techniques that took him 150 years to develop?]

"It was more than just a few days. Even after leaving the Gray Training Ground, I entered the illusion space several times. Counting today, it's been about two or three months."

Still, it was an unbelievable feat. Calnere, the creator of the Colorless Air Sword, was an exceptional figure. Though he might have been inferior to the other elders in terms of magic, his swordsmanship was unparalleled across the continent. His techniques were far from ordinary. Despite searching throughout the world for a successor, he found no one with enough aptitude to learn his swordsmanship.

"I also believe some adjustments are necessary."

[...Are you kidding me?]

"The sword form is excellent, but there were unnecessary techniques added solely to showcase the power of the Freezing Talons. So I just removed them," Karyl continued, letting out a slight sigh. "Remember when I said that the forty-nine techniques weren't actually forty-nine but instead derived from seven?"

Allen nodded, recalling ther previous conversation.

"It seems Calnere liked to show off." Karyl spoke calmly. "There was a lot of flair in the form. To reach the number fort-nine, he intentionally included techniques where no division was necessary."

[Ha... Hahaha!! I seem to have vastly underestimated you. Even after ascending to the realm of Sword Saints, you've spent eons wielding a sword.] Allen laughed helplessly, flustered by Karyl's composed demeanor.

Just 150 years—perhaps to Karyl, the time Calnere spent honing his sword was but a fleeting moment...

[So, what’s your plan? Creating a new Colorless Air Sword? Calnere would be rolling in his grave. Haha... So, what’s the name?] Allen asked, feeling amused.

"Hmm, actually..." Yet, unlike the excited Allen, Karyl's response was subdued. "I don't see any need to name it."

[Huh? Why not?]

From lowly warriors to great knights, swordsmen considered naming their own sword forms a moment of great honor—an opportunity to leave a lasting legacy for generations to come.

"Even with the adjustments, I don't see myself using it much. It's simply borrowing elements from the frameworks of magic and swordsmanship. Why would I name an imperfect sword form? That would be embarrassing."


Karyl swung the Freezing Talons, slicing through the air.

"I don't deny the power of Colorless Air Sword. Yes, without the dragon's magic, it’s useless. But, its power cannot be denied."

The sword form, aptly named Colorless, contained a myriad of versatile spells.

"Thanks to it, I believe I've got a handle on integrating magic into swordsmanship..." An aura blade emerged on Karyl's sword, far more stable and sharper than before. "But I’m more comfortable with my own swordsmanship," Karyl said with a satisfied expression.

[If Calnere were to hear this, he'd have a heart attack.] Allen shook his head, not in disapproval but with resignation instead. The thrill of witnessing Karyl's unimaginable growth sent shivers of delight down his spine.

"Maybe I should put what I've learned to the test," mused Karyl. But before he could finish that thought, he sensed a presence coming up the stairs. Though his murky aura felt distinctly different from before, it was unmistakably Thomson's.


"Where is your report?" Karyl demanded, his tone sharp.

Thompson wiped his forehead drenched in sweat, his face tense with anxiety. "My safety... it's guaranteed, right? If this information gets out, Bargo will surely kill me."

Thomson, his face streaming with sweat as if it were raining, kept glancing around nervously.

"You're as good as dead either way. Magic poisoning has a 100% fatality rate. Whether you get killed or die from the disease, it's all the same. Well, if I were you, I would’ve chosen the method that allowed me to live even a day longer."

Thomson's face crumpled at Karyl's callous remark. With a resigned look, he carefully pulled out a document from within his robe.

Allen fluttered around Thomson, sniffing curiously. [Mana Poisoning? Is it still incurable? Well, it's like the common cold, isn’t it? No perfect cure... But for this guy to look alost haf-dead. He seems to be overreacting a bit too much.]

Karyl smirked at Allen’s words. Perhaps it was curable in the Magic Era, but for now, it remains an incurable disease. Those afflicted with Mana Poisoning are considered to be dead already.

[What? Is that true!?]

In a few years, it will become common knowledge. Narh Di Maug will reveal it after finding a magical tome in the Gray Training Ground. He may have given Fasio a bunch of junk, but the tome containing cures for various diseases, including Mana Poisoning, was among the more valuable ones.

[He found the cure at the Gray Training Ground, huh? Sure, the Platinum Dragon absolutely didn't know about Mana Poisoning. And he surely found the tome there...] Allen snorted in disbelief.

The truth will be clear once we reach the lair. Karyl stated, his expression hardened at the thought.

Thomson, sensing the killing intent—possibly directed at him—shrank back. Damn... It felt like walking on thin ice before, but now he seems even more terrifying. How can a mere kid make such an expression?

Silently, Karyl read the contents of Thomson's letter, his lips curling into a grin. "Where did you find this?"

"I searched the guild based on the initial information you gave me, but... I couldn't find anything," Thompson replied, his voice quivering slightly.

Karyl's eyes gleamed with interest. The task he had assigned Thomson was clear. Karyl suspected that unlike Baker who was a goblin shaman of the action team branch, Bargo Sira, being a merchant, was acting as a courier of the Wooden Cloud.

The first method that came to mind were Quests. He assumed that orders from Wooden Cloud were naturally conveyed through requests coming into the guild. However, Thomson had found no evidence of anything peculiar.

"So, I snooped around the shops Bargo frequents, and stumbled upon this. Usually, the black market doesn’t discriminate against customers, but something felt off. I don't know if this will help... but I hope it does."

Perhaps because his life was on the line, Thomson had gone above and beyond what Karyl had asked for, uncovering valuable evidence. With a satisfied expression, Karyl tucked the document into his clothes.

"Not bad. No wonder you have mana posioning, you are quite the resourceful talent.


"Don't worry. I guarantee your safety, Bargo won't be able to lay a hand on you."

Thomson’s face brightened. "Really?"

"Of course, you can trust me." Karyl smiled sharply.

Because by then, he won't be alive to do so.

This 𝓬ontent is taken from fre𝒆webnove(l).𝐜𝐹đ—ș

