The 9th Class Swordmaster: Blade of Truth - C.91: The Plan of the Three Kingdoms

The 9th Class Swordmaster: Blade of Truth

C.91: The Plan of the Three Kingdoms


The loud sounds of pickaxes echoed through the mine. Day and night, dozens, even hundreds of workers shuffled in and out of this place, making it a hive of ceaseless labor.

"We're down to the tenth level!! Just a bit more effort and we’ll break through!! The baron will reward us with a special bonus and three days of rest!!” the mine's overseer shouted amidst the intense heat.

"Yes, sir—!!!"

His cry was met with a resounding response that echoed throughout the mine.

The hundreds of miners were making enough noise to attract attention from the outside world, but fortunately, this was one of the forsaken wastelands on the continent, devoid of life. Furthermore, Baron Beryl, already distant from public interest, ironically went unnoticed by anyone from the Three Kingdoms even as a year passed.

"Good. Very good." Baron Beryl watched them with a satisfied smile. He had been skeptical at first, but now he was astonished to see elemental stones actually coming from the old mine on his estate.

Well... since I've sold the land, there's nothing I can do, and I didn't have the funds to develop a mana mine in the first place... Beryl savored the thought.

With the mining rights, he had sold the land in return for a perpetual share of the elemental stones produced from the mana mine. However, it was, in fact, an enormous profit.


Thanks to the elemental stones extracted from this mine, he had not only restored the mana of his golden years but was also close to achieving new heights with a little more time. Additionally, he had also managed to regain the loyalty of his disciples by distributing the lower-quality elemental stones among them.

By all accounts, Beryl had hit the jackpot.

But still, it's a shame.

Unfortunately, human greed had no limits, and so, Beryl had devolved from a promising young genius to a greedy old sorcerer.

The thought of the elemental stones piled up inside the mine made his mouth water.

Is there... any way to manage this?

That was when his thoughts were interrupted.

"It's been a while, Baron Beryl."

Beryl wasn’t expecting any visitors, but a small carriage nonetheless stopped by the mine, and the man who stepped out greeted him warmly.

"Ah! Who do we have here? It's been a while. It’s been half a year, hasn’t it? The workers you sent have been doing a splendid job."

"Hahaha... It's nothing. I just sent a few people I had on hand. Glad they could be of help."

"So, Kamma, what brings you here?"

The man who got out of the carriage was indeed Kamma.

Despite having met only a few times, the two men, similar in age and greed, greeted each other as though they were comrades reuniting after years of being apart.

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"Our master has requested to see you, Baron Beryl."

"Master? Oh... Has the master of Tatur finally returned? I've been curious about who he might be."

Kamma's words confirmed Beryl's intuition.

This could be an opportunity.

He had always wondered about the identity of the formidable man who had conquered Tatur, a place considered lawless by many, without a trace of conflict.

He killed that outlaw Curan and took down the champion of the arena... What does such a terrifyingly formidable person look like?

"Then... Let me take you to him.”

Whether Kamma was aware of Beryl's thoughts or not, he looked at the baron with a sly smile.



In the office, surrounded by stacks of reports, Karyl was deep in thought.

Suan Hazar's ability has exceeded my expectations. The lawless port has been stabilized, and the repairs on the mana ship are complete. The departure is the only thing that’s left.

While Dushala's groundwork in the Three Kingdoms of Istria was commendable, Suan, one of the seven talents once hailed as the Empire's Magnificent Seven, was notably outstanding among the administrators.

It's not just his strength that makes him formidable. He once led Olivurn's special forces under the guise of a trading company.

Over the past year, Suan Hazar had continuously rescued tribespeople and slaves through the lawless port. Those from the continent were secretly relocated across various kingdoms and villages, while the tribespeople were taught how to row.

For Karyl, it was satisfying that even the crew of the mana ship were perfectly prepared.

The time has come for the Ravat Guild to be inaugurated. A time of chaos is perfect for slipping past the Emperor’s eyes. His eyes gleamed with resolve. And that's why I summoned Baron Beryl.

However, there was something he needed to address first—Valvont, the King of Martial Arts.

Suan Hazar's prowess was not only due to his extraordinary talent but also because he had inherited certain martial arts techniques from King Valvont.

I must complete Suan Hazar’s training in these martial arts. Once the Ravat Guild is operational, there won't be time to train him.

While Karyl himself was proficient in martial arts, his stance was perfectly tailored for swordsmanship. He had never encountered anything as powerful as Valvont's martial techniques in his life.

King Valvont is unpredictable in his wanderings, but now I can take a guess as to where he might be. He will soon be involved in that incident.

It was an excellent opportunity, one that he couldn't afford to miss.

Because of that incident, Valvont vowed never to take another disciple, which caused the legacy of his Eight Stances to be lost. A real shame. Karyl chuckled softly. But it will be different this time.

He imagined how powerful Suan Hazar would become once he mastered all of King Valvont’s martial arts techniques. For Karyl, who knew what Suan had been capable of in his past life, the mere thought of it was delightful.

There's still much to do.

In many ways, Tatur was the most unusual place on the continent, and not just because it attracted tribespeople and slaves. Dwarves and gnomes, who had thrived during the Magic Era but had since vanished, were also hiding in the underworld marketplaces of Tatur.

Some of them are tribes that were rare even in the Magic Era, like the Feline Tribe or the Ayns. You wouldn't find them anywhere else.

The reason for that was simple—they were not human. Even among their own, those without magic are deemed heretical. It’s unlikely that they would accept help from other races.

Looking back on it, Karyl had a lingering regret about those tribes not being properly utilized. The exceptional craftsmanship of dwarves and gnomes, the agility of the Feline Tribe, and the monstrous strength of the Ayn Tribe could have been invaluable.

Individually, they are superior to humans. But in the end, they couldn't escape the shadows of the black market.

Indeed, it all boiled down to the fact that they weren’t human.

Not even the humans who are branded as heretics simply for lacking mana would resort to seeking help from other tribes.

It was rather ironic, since most relics, hailed as treasures of the royal families, had been crafted by dwarves and elves.

Karyl resolved not to neglect them in this lifetime. If Calypson returns with the survivors from the Gnome Kingdom, they’ll be a formidable force.

He lightly tapped a box on his desk. Inside, the four fangs that he took from the market were slowly absorbing his mana, turning red as if soaked in blood. The box was a parting gift from Calypson.


At that moment, Karyl's eyebrows twitched. Inside the box was ordinary chainmail that one would wear under heavy armor, the kind that was found in any region.

"Seeing this here... Did Calypson have this all along?"

And yet, Karyl gazed at it as though it wasn’t just a simple piece of armor.

A fine acquisition indeed. I was just about to look for armor.

Although he had acquired the Freezing Talon at the Gray Training Ground, Karyl hadn’t worn any significant armor up to that point. There hadn’t been a need for it, as he had managed to defend himself just fine with his sword.

But the ones I will meet from now on are different.

Especially the Platinum Dragon, Narh Di Maug.

The circumstances were different from his previous life, and approaching a dragon without being properly equipped would be tantamount to suicide.


Karyl pulled out the chainmail from the box, contemplating. Elven Mail... Armor forged from the melted branches of the World Tree. I thought it was an elf's work, but did Calypson make it?

It was not impossible. The term “Elven” was associated with the World Tree, and unlike the dwarves, who typically crafted heavy plate armor, gnome-made creations were often lighter.

Not bad. The branches of the World Tree are not ordinary; they possess extraordinary defensive properties. It had superior magical resistance. Most of the enemies I will face use magic. Being able to block even a single attack could change the outcome of a battle.

Karyl smiled faintly, pleased with the gift left by Calypson. It's still quiet now, but soon the mana mine will become widely known.

He straightened his attire and sat down. Whether the land belonged to Baron Beryl or not, in matters of governance, the king's breath was above any rule.

No matter who owns it, the Three Kingdoms of Istria, as before, will eventually fight over the mana mine. Karyl's gaze sharpened. I will save the Three Kingdoms.

It wasn’t just to protect them from the empire without any reason. Even if the Three Kingdoms joined forces, they lacked the power to assert themselves compared to the empire and the principality. But regardless, their location was crucial.

They could serve as a barrier protecting the South from the Empire.

For that, Baron Beryl was necessary. He was a greedy man, capable of betrayal at any time. Yet, if his desires were satisfied, he would betray his own kingdom just as easily. Not everyone in the world acted out of righteousness, but even those who didn’t could still be useful.

That was why Karyl continued to make overtures to him through Dushala even after buying his land and mining rights. This allowed him to participate in the magic competitions easily.

A letter of recommendation is nothing compared to what I will extract from him moving forward, Karyl mused with a low chuckle.

The baron, for his part, likely never imagined that the land he deemed worthless would turn into a goose that laid golden eggs.

He must be quite upset, Karyl thought.

He had seen many like Baron Beryl in his past life—always scheming about what they could extract or steal from him. But that did not matter. People like that, while often distasteful, tended to handle matters efficiently.

There was a knock at the door.

"A message, sir. Baron Beryl has arrived."

Karyl nodded slowly, his planning complete. It was time to assess the baron's true capacity.

Let's see what the baron is really made of.

"Let him in," he commanded in a low voice.


"It's an honour that I get to meet the master finally. Haha... How young... No, I didn't expect you to be so young," Beryl hesitated, surprised by Karyl's youthful appearance, which was in stark contrast to his expectations.

What? He's just a kid. This is the new ruler of Tatur?

This wasn't the first meeting Beryl had envisioned. In any case, deep down, he was rejoicing.

You want to negotiate with me, who has lived several times longer than you? Even if I pretended not to know about the magic mine issue, it won't work now. He looked Karyl up and down with a greedy gaze.

"I'm planning to establish a trading company." Karyl threw the first stone.

"Oh, you’re finally starting to trade in elemental stones? That's good. They will probably sell for a high price among sorcerers," Beryl responded as if he had been waiting for this moment.

"They will be especially popular in the Kingdom of Istan, where there are many sorcerers," Karyl smirked bitterly as he recalled the sorcerers from the kingdom that had banished him. His only thought was revenge.

"That would be the case," Karyl replied. "Those who live with a narrow perspective cannot broaden their view even as they age."

"A trading company is all about connections. Now I see why you called me separately." Beryl’s eyes already gleamed with anticipation of his reward.

"Establishing connections is no easy task. Ahem... Although I am reluctant to move directly, I would consider it for you, Lord Karyl." Beryl coughed, trying to hide his discomfort.

Nobility often had a high opinion of themselves. Karyl agreed that their arrogance was distasteful, but he found those who sold their pride even more repulsive.

Sorcerers are inherently greedy, but that doesn’t mean they’re driven solely by material desires and lust. Beryl, you may have absorbed the elemental stones and increased your mana, but your vessel remains the same. Karyl smiled bitterly.

Meanwhile, Beryl saw this meeting as a golden opportunity. His excitement about manipulating the commerce within the Three Kingdoms through Karyl was painfully obvious.

I need to make all trade with the Three Kingdoms go through me. It may be difficult to snatch the mining rights away from him, but I can certainly profit in the meantime, Baron Beryl plotted; he was certain that the future influx of gemstones would come his way.

However, he wasn’t aware that Keryl was merely feigning ignorance of his plans.

"Of course. How could the Great Sorcerer Beryl himself be negligent in taking action?” Karyl said nonchalantly. “Instead... I would like you to introduce me to some people.”

"And who might that be?"

The reason Karyl had maintained his distance until now was precisely for this moment. He laid out a parchment on the table, listing several names tied to the Three Kingdoms.

"Hmm..." Beryl glanced over the names, dismissing their significance with a nod. "More than half of these have studied magic under me. Arranging meetings with them won't be difficult. Ha ha, Master Karyl, you're truly fortunate to have met me in the Three Kingdoms."

"Thank you," Karyl replied, barely hiding his smirk.

Yes, they're mostly your students. I deliberately chose them so you would eagerly leap at this opportunity.

As Beryl began to discuss how he would bridge Karyl with these contacts excitedly, Karyl looked out the window. His mind was going elsewhere.

The trading company is just an excuse.

In reality, he had a different purpose; he had something else to gain from Azor, namely, the Wooden Cloud.

There's a branch of it in the Three Kingdoms, right on the parchment I handed you.

Karyl sipped his tea nonchalantly as he watched Beryl, his expression concealed by an emotionless mask.

"If there's anything you desire, do not hesitate to ask. I shall provide you with all the necessary support.”

"Hahaha, truly befitting the owner of Tatur! You are most generous! Very well, I will make sure to arrange a meeting for us.” Beryl laughed joyfully.

Go ahead, make your moves. Make sure you catch the eyes of those nobles. Baron, you will have to become our target.

A subtle smile spread across Karyl’s lips, a stark contrast to the innocent laughter of the baron.

This will pave my way into the Three Kingdoms of Istria.

The sharpness in Karyl’s gaze as he looked at the baron was like that of a chess master contemplating his next decisive move.

And just like that, the Three Kingdoms will fall into my grasp.

